Juneau (Jujubee)



2 years, 8 months ago


his name is juneau but everyone pretty much makes up nicknames for him constantly, the most prominent being "Jujubee" and "Jubs". Other nicknames include Juju, Juji, Juni, June(bug), Anchorage, pretty much any other Alaskan city because they think its funny, and Big Boy. If you've ever owned a dog, you know they get weird ass nicknames all the time.

"what is his deal", you may ask

he is dog. on a normal ship. with a bunch of humans.

Literally everyone but the newest person on the ship treats him like he's a human. The new guy is like "?! Is that just a dog?? Why tf is there a dog on the ship" and everyone is like "That's just Jujubee, don't be rude >:(" and acts like this is normal. He cannot speak. He just runs around and does tasks silently. Occasionally he points at people during meetings to accuse them of being imposters. Everyone nods and votes for them. This perplexes and infuriates the new guy.

Will occasionally stand there menacingly and stare at the imposter before they've even done anything as if he knows. However, he never "accuses" anyone without proof. In the event that the universe he's in acts like the game (imposters are chosen randomly every round), he is somehow never the imposter.