Darcii Memfis



6 years, 9 months ago


She lives in a really pretty cave on the side of a cliff in the middle of the woods. Which is honestly a terrible place for her to live since she is very sickly and has hemophilia. Like she gets so bad that she is bedridden most days and coughs up blood so like lowkey she is dying my dudes. Luckily for her though Markie somehow stumbled upon her and now bring her medicine and does all he can to take care of her. He's super nice and brings her food and things to do as well. Thanks to him she's started a small book collection using a bookshelf he made for her himself. She knows of his crush on her which is why she discretely turned him down since she's a lesbian. Luckily that didn't scare him away completely though and he's still cool with being friends.

she really likes frogs and going on adventures but unfortunately she's too weak to go out much. Markie takes her to go catch frogs sometimes but its still nowhere near what she wishes she could do.

in the human world she'd likely going to be constantly hospitalized. Her parents either neglect her because she's so weak or they're dead or something and she lives with her grandma who can't always visit because she's old. Markie then probably meets her doing some sort of art volunteering thing and comes back to visit more. Eventually I think it would be cute for her to meet another girl in the hospital and they fall in love. Though I don'T WANT EITHER OF THEM TO DIE IT CAN GET SAD BUT NOT DEVASTATING