


Basic Info


Zero (Formerly Emeric)


Late teens/early 20s




Due to a past trauma, Emeric lost his memory and started going by the name Zero. Since then, he's been travelling in a world he does not know, that seems far more foreign than he thinks it should. He is overly trusting, but later comes to distrust strangers. He likes to help others, but gradually learns to put himself as the main priority as he learns more about the harsh world. So while he enjoys being kind to others, he can sometimes come off as slightly selfish. Usually Zero has a smile on his face and enjoys a good laugh, and he's always curious.

He can travel to different worlds/dimensions due to the same incident that caused his amnesia. When he does this, his horns glow. While he's originally from a world set in more of medieval times, he now lives in a more futuristic world.

Extra: He also has a monstrous form, but that has no example art yet :')