Quidat Larfia



6 years, 9 months ago


-trans (mtf)
-met Danine when they were very young and have been close ever since
-lost her lusus in a huge accident that is yet to be decided and also suffered a traumatic blow to the head causing brain damage
-now she acts like a kid still even though she's like a teen
-likes to play with knives and often has band aids on her fingers because of it. Danine does her best to keep her from doing this though.
-also likes to play with dolls and puppets and you'd probably think she's possessed but honestly that's just how she legitimately is
-ironically then she also likes horror movies even though they scare the shit out of her
-refuses to wear shoes
-insists Danine carries her at just random times
-will throw a tantrum if she doesn't get what she wants or you tell her no
-she realizes Trinka is not a good man so whenever he comes to pick up Deezie from their house she runs and hides with her screaming that he can't take her and will start screaming and crying every time they have to pry her away.
-overall she's just really protective of Dee because she loves her and she's really cute. she's usually smothering the poor thing saying things like "This Dee is my Dee. She is the cutest Dee no one else can touch her" and things like that lmao