[SC] Salmonkit



2 years, 9 months ago



"The sun in his smile, the fire in his eyes"

A red tabby tom born into Bluffclan alongside his siblings. His pelt has colors that resembles salmons, which was found quite amusing. It sparked the name Salmonkit to be given to the kitten!

Salmonkit can be described as a creamy red tabby tom with teal blue eyes. A lot of his features stem from his mom herself, such as his fur texture and shapes. Whereas his build and stature comes from his dad in particular! It is estimated that the kitten will have a pretty good growth spurt in his later years, his lanky limbs stretching out exponentially! He stays quite well groomed and is always presentable to the public at any given moment. His fur is likely to become more sleeker as he grows it out, still upholding that downward slant to it.

You will pretty much always see Salmonkit with his tail raised high and his nose pointed to the next adventure heā€™s seeking! While his strides are wobbly and inconsistent, thereā€™s a sense of confidence behind them, growing stronger by each passing day. Despite being in a world full of the unknown, the tom wonā€™t struggle to keep a smile on his face, as he finds it quite exciting to be a part of!


Bluffclan's upbringing upon the kits teaches them a plethora of things, well-mannered being one of them! Salmonkit has been learning to be respectful towards cats that are either older than him, or of higher ranking. He isn't here to make quippy comments and display uncouth behavior to those around him but rather to provide a much more pleasant experience to others. After all, he does have an image to display and his origins to protect! He couldn't let his momma down by causing slander to her name! The clan shall not have a reason to gossip about his family, especially not because of him!

He doesn't possess a dysregulated temperament, rather spouting a more calm, soft, and lenient type of demeanor. He isn't a crass type of cat and doesn't get as rough as his littermates, preferring to take gentler approaches and actions. This allows him to be a calmer presence around others, expressing himself in a more soft-spoken manner. So to speak, he doesn't quite have a mean bone in his body, from head to toe.

However, mistaking his gentle nature for a lack of passion or a sign of complacency is an oversight on your part. Salmonkit possesses a righteous streak within him, not quite as strong as it would be in an adult cat, but not quite as quiet to be overlooked as a phasing quirk. He is a kitten who is tied deeply to his morals. His morals are going to be steely and an integral part of his character. A lot of his decision making and procceses will be defined by his moral compass! He wants to do things that are deemed right by him and strive to influence such ideals on others. Growing into the clan, he will learn to embrace this upstanding trait that will help his tiny voice be heard more!


Salmonkit's behaviors aligns with things that's rather feminine among cats. While masculinity is something that resides in him, it's not as heavily expressed as much as his femininity. Doing things that tom kits would prefer to do isn't exactly on his radar 24/7. Salmonkit picks up behaviors that would "typically" show in she-cats. It encourages him to be more vulnerable and emotional. He doesn't question it solely because of his lack of insight. His recognition to these differing behaviors and traits goes unnoticed, and will continue to do so till his apprenticeship.

Just like most kits, Salmonkit's curiosity goes to no bounds, awaiting any and all answers. That would also go for this young, little adventurer's paws! Salmonkit answer's his questions through the thrill of exploration and voyages, meaning that he will get into every nook and cranny within the boundaries of camp. He's not picky with being accompanied, but the little guy's not against solo 'ventures! Even the caretakers' allowed to tag along if they want! Perhaps they'll be there to prevent any trouble he may find himself getting into~

Salmonkit enjoys having a tidy space and a prim and proper appearance! Whether it's Widowroot grooming him or himself, you'll likely not see the tom running around like a rag-tag kitten! His cleanliness habits don't just apply to himself, but to his siblings too! There's a bit of an ick that he gets seeing messy and disorderly things, so he tries his best to fix it the best way he can. While he's not known to get fussy, being unable to manage such things can bring a spark of frustration to the young kitten-- Who likes looking like such a mess?


While it's nice to have curiosity and inquire about all the answers, Salmonkit doesn't know where and where not to stick his nose in. He ends up prodding into places he shouldn't and possibly acquiring information that's none of his business. And with being a kid, what else can he do with the information he obtains? He shares with his peers and others! Such actions could lead to cats thinking of him as too nosy or someone who spills the beans. This can bring frustration onto others, as nobody likes having their business put out there like laundry on a line. Granted, Salmonkit doesn't have ill intentions when he does these kinds of things-- it does not make it an okay thing to do-- even if he's just a kid.

With so many things to learn and see, it can be hard to know what to do or how to navigate around. Salmonkit is just a baby, and wit that, it means that he knows absolutely nothing. While he'll learn to discern right from wrong, it doesn't mean he's immune from deception. Gullible and foolish, it wouldn't take much to trick and manipulate Salmonkit's mind and thoughts to someone's liking. How could Salmonkit avoid being duped if he himself can't recognize such malicious actions? Cats will have an easier time being impressionable on the young kitten. His morality is as malleable as Play-Doh; his innocence shines like a light in a dark cave.

With a great imagination and big opportunities, Salmonkit has big big plans for the future! He wishes to fulfill his dreams and goals no matter how big they seem! However, in the grand scheme of things, Salmonkit fails to realize just how unrealistic his goals may be in the moment. The reality of said thing has yet to hit him and make him analyze it for its true value. He has to learn that the world doesnā€™t work in the way that heā€™s perceiving it, especially with his naĆÆve mindset and outlook.


  • Watching snowfall

  • His siblings

  • Licking ice

  • Hanging out with older cats


  • Snowstorms

  • Uncouth cats

  • Being scolded

  • Rough play with others


This is a story of a kittypet and a loner who lived in a barn. The kittypet often wandered outside her premises, permitted by her owners. To their eyes, she had always stayed safe and returned home at the end of the day unharmed. The barn cat had a knack venturing off on his own leisures, always finding something to entangle in in the woods. As expected, the two of them have crossed paths at some point, coincidentally at first, though them meeting had become much less coincidental and more intentional. Needless to say, the pair hit it off quite well, always meeting half way to each other in compromise. Funny enough they never knew exactly where the other derived from, but had learned of their home lives through the stories they shared in their company together.

Many days and many nights passed by as their meetups continued, and at some point, the kittypet discovers that she is bearing his kits. This leaves them ecastatic at the prospect of being new parents-- being able to raise their kids! The proceeding moment, two of them blurted out the very next that entered their heads.

"I can't wait for the barn cats to meet them and you!"

"There's plenty of homes that would take you in!"

An invitation to their respective homes? Oh.. That would mean she would have to leave her owners? And he would have to leave residents of the barn behind? Uncertainty and apprehensiveness hung heavy in the air, the silence driving it further for a couple more seconds. Suddenly, this intimate moments became a lot more contemplative than they expected. The barn loner and the kittypet continued their meetups to discuss the circumstances, though it wasn't as frequent as it used to be, given her pregancy and all.

Then came a meet up that changed the trajectory of her life, despite it feeling like any other meetup in the beginning. Something was off as the kittypet reached the typical spot: Her mate was not here. Usually, he's always there first, so... where is he? She waited for another minute... a couple more minutes she was able to bear before she headed deeper into the forest to look for him.


Everything up until arriving to the barn by herself was a blur in her memory. She remembers hostile cats attacking and chasing...her mate fighting.. running for her life, heart so loud thunder can't beat it..Panic ebbed and flowed through her body. Shaking, paranoid and anxious, she resided in the barn for a while. She grieved for her mate for a good portion of her stay. After everything that was built up too...

Just when she began to feel a bit of security, disaster striked the Barn, causing the sickening feeling of paranoid to parade through her chest. She couldn't be here-- it's not safe for her kits! She couldn't bear to lose anyone else.. With no hesistance, she chose to move to Bluffclan to give her kits a better, safer life.

Not soon into her arrival of Bluffclan, she was ushered to the Medicince Cat's den for her delivery. She was in the paws of the medicine cats and so were her kits. They would have a safer life here, away from the rogues who attacked her mate-- away from danger.. The kittypet's delivery was a success! New life was born into the clan: Three little bundles of joy! And.. as they wailed for their mom, she was far too weak to tend to their needs, body exhausted beyond all realms. She began resting her eyes, unaware how the world began to grow colder than leafbare around her.

With every passing life brings new ones.


In a bundle of three, Salmonkit, Wolfkit and Owletkit will brave the hardships of clan while unknowingly carrying out their parents' legacies. But for now, their only problem is not being fed every waking second.






Wolfkit ā€¢ Littermate

Describe your character's relationship(s) with other characters here - box will scroll with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consectetur suscipit est at pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur ultrices nisl ut risus luctus, eget ultricies neque posuere. In tellus felis, feugiat malesuada leo ut, ultricies tristique sapien. Cras non metus quis mauris gravida rutrum eu sed libero.


Owletkit ā€¢ Littermate

Aliquam ut velit in risus venenatis efficitur. Nullam tellus nibh, auctor eu justo non, sodales maximus dui. Sed eget auctor libero, non sollicitudin lacus. Duis at interdum orci. Mauris et tempus diam.


Character name ā€¢ Relationship

Vivamus pretium turpis enim, eu bibendum lectus pharetra eget. Nam non elit sed risus vestibulum lacinia a eu ipsum. Maecenas bibendum rhoncus enim vel ultrices.

Design Notes

  • Cheek fur doesnā€™t have to be as uniform, just as long as you keep the downward slant. Never spikes up on its own!

  • As long as you keep the general flow of his bangs, style it however you want

  • Design is symmetrical on both sides


  • Has minor allergies

    • Has a slight pollen and dust allergy, which is most prominent in the warmer seasons. His symptons include sneezing fits and watery eyes.

  • Hanging around older cats

    • Salmonkit can often be found weaving through older cats' legs in order to keep up with their large strides. Hopefully, he doesn't trip anyone!

  • Sleeping position

    • He tends to sleep in really srunched up positions; almost making you wonder how he could be comfortable.

  • Tidy pastime

    • He enjoys watching and helping organize other cat's belongings. It brings a sense of comfort to him.
