Laila Mehira



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Laila Mehira

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: Looks like 18, tho angels dont have ages

Background: By the time she was born, angels had not been born from a long time, so the new born girl was sent to a monastery to be taken care of by a group of elders, angels that had lived for many lifes and were tired of life. Some were nice and would spoil her and treat her like what she was, a child. Some were extremly strict and angry, projecting onto her how they wanted to be and how they wanted to keep their fight against "the evil". She quickly learn to keep her mouth shut up, stop playing around when those strick individuals were around and train harder as to not atract their atention. By the time she was able to leave the monastery, she had develope a bipolar disorder from all the stress and anxiety, as well as extreme maniatic episodes when she was hiped.