Beetrice Bee



2 years, 9 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer
$80 - $100


Sitting in a beautiful flower field was my a queen dressed in a lovely honeycomb ball gown and her son dressed in a cute bow tie "you see Charmy, everything around you is beautiful and deserves to be protected." She says with a smile on her face as she looks from the sky above then down to meet eyes with Charmy. Charmy looks at her with a big smile.  As they head back to the hidden hive, entering the wonderful Halls of the hive Beetrice starts to feel uneasy as they walk through the ballroom "Stand behind me Charmy. Something isn't right.." oddly enough the hive was way to quite.  The silents broke as they heard loud. Footsteps echoed through the hallways and filled the ballroom. Soon the saw the face of their intruder. Eggman had broken into there home while they where away. Destroying what was most precious. He steps forward, walking towards them. Beetrice pulls out her rapier "Run Charmy! Run!" She yells as Charmy bolted for the nearest exit. Leaving her behind to handle Eggman.  Soon the catering and clashing came to an end as the Castle.