Spade Etoile



2 years, 9 months ago


A Capon from the Blasted Heath region of Eorziel and certified country bumpkin. The protege and most adored student of K’uro Leliel in his Darkmoon Academy.

She lacks a central focus of study but has a knack for using her unique perspective on things to discover new applications for Alteration. K’uro considers her an honorary daughter if not his successor to lead the DARI. Maisha also is quite fond of Spade, primarily due to her willingness to participate in the Catfolk’s otherwise intimidating experiments.

Her family in the Blasted Heath have a symbiotic relationship with a benevolent Color Out of Space named Cy’anye’loma’gentaa (CYM) that came to Nurn via crashed comet. Because of exposure to CYM since birth, she is able to tap into a semi-mutated “Install Form” dubbed Deepcolor Spade.

Full Name: Spade Etoile, 

Titles: The Beast-Child of Cy’anye’loma’gentaa, Maiden of Colors Most Foul, Leader of the Baruuk

Age: 21

Birthday: June 26th

Gender: She/Her (Deepcolor goes by It/Its)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'6"

Species: Capon

Sexuality: Pansexual

Likes: Fruit pastries, cuttlefish, spending time with her family and friends, Pi Gua Qan, horror movies

Dislikes: Extreme temperatures, subtle dangers, large crowds

 Voice Claims

ENG - Kelly Baskin as Amber (Genshin Impact)

JPN - Seiran Kobayashi as Lop (Star Wars: Visions)

Physical Appearance: 

A brown-furred rabbit woman with black hair and brown eyes. On her face is a birthmark resembling her namesake, the top part of the spade making a sort of raccoon eye pattern and completed by a triangle nose. She is never seen without her rosary, a necklace of large wooden orbs and a family heirloom.


Spade is incredibly perky and charming in her folksiness, though that masks an extremely intelligent and cunning mind. Her disarmingly kind and amicable nature may make you think she's an airhead, but there's a reason she's the top student of K'uro Leliel. Sometimes her persistent positivity is contrasted against subtle oddities and casual references to the eldritch as if they weren't freaky as hell. 

Inexplicably speaks with an Applachian/Upstate New York accent despite coming from an area with no New York analogue.
