
2 years, 8 months ago


"Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first."


Vidar Cuyler

Male . Gemstone Dragonborn . 43

1.82 M
About 103 KG



Vidar has a passion for natural history and creatures. He has a good affinity for magic and focusses his studies on magical runes that he uses to enhance his weapons. He is friendly and calm but silent at times. He has a fear of heights and has trouble opening up to people, especially those new to him. He is however very enthusiastic and more talkative as soon as creatures are involved. He draws and sketches quite a bit to pass time and record observations. He doesn't back off from killing a creature if that helps him better understand it but is very against killing for sport or extermination: Everything has it's place in this world.

His story

Vidar is well-educated and grew up with his nose in books if he wasn't out in the forest. He married at a young age and was happy, living in Cibalae, a small village in the Khaganate region. He made money by working for the towns guard while his wife managed a small flower shop. During his time as a guard he caught a young boy in the act of a crime. Giving him a second chance Vidar let him go, thinking the kid was young and shouldn't spend his youth in a cell. The child used this opportunity for more crime instead and someone died. Vidar has always felt guilty about this since and is more weary of letting suspects go even if they might be innocent.

Vidar and his wife got two daughters, twins, who grew up and left home to live their own lives. Not long after they left his wife got ill and passed away. Vidar left his hometown because everything there reminded him of her. He went on to distract himself from the grief and focussed on his passion: natural history. Trying to live his best life for her. He hopes to dedicate a book on the creatures of the new world to his wife. He collects and dries flowers that he thinks she would have loved between the pages of the book she was reading on her deathbed.

His wife's name is Alva, the twins are named Eira and Sylvi

The province Vidar is from is mostly ruled by the Sivak Khagan Togor, a clan of silver dragonborn with the ability to not only glide but also fly with their wings. Khaganate was formerly ruled by ruby dragonborn who have been overtrown by the Sivak. By assosiation other gemstone dragons get dealt a lesser hand in their society: their pay is generally lower and they get less opportunities to climb the social ladder. Vidar has always tried to keep his head high through this and focus on his family instead, trying to stay out of trouble. Being of the amethyst type kept him safe from he worst of it.
