

2 years, 8 months ago


NAME: mala 

GENDER: nonbinary (he/she/they pronouns, they usually use multiple in one sentence)

He's Mr. Hell's and Noss' supervisor in the office. She's real explosive and short-fused due to constantly being under pressure of her boss (teddy) and her father (someone else idk). they take out all their frustrations on their peers, most notably, noss. constantly berating and belittling him. outside from work he's really spunky and crude, and will say what's on her mind with no filter or regards for others. He's also got a massive ego since their dad is really powerful, and got away scot free multiple times out of situations because of that. 

despite all of that, He's got a (really damn hidden) soft spot. they really like frilly things, and is into collecting beanie babies, they're just a sucker for all things cute and soft.


-she's got a younger sister that's pretty much disowned by their father. but she still keeps in contact with her

-they speak though telepathy most of the time, but use the mouth on their head when he needs to yell at people

-she does have a thing for noss, but she rather be dead than admit to it