Dr. Cyprian



2 years, 9 months ago



From a young age, Cyprian was incredibly gifted, and she knew it. Everyone around her knew it. Cyprian never flaunted her intelligence, and yet somehow, everyone knew it was there, from the way she carried herself, the way she spoke, the way she looked at her peers...

Cyprian's family was well off, but not filty rich; she worked hard to earn money and her education. Cyprian was always top of her class, star pupil, and her talents and skills followed her into her chosen field- neurosurgery. She was incredible in every way; a doctor of unprecidented skill. Outside of work, Cyprian lived an incredibly solitary life. She didn't keep in contact with many others, never felt interested in befriending her coworkers, and spent most of her time by herself and content. Cyprian wanted to move from surgery into research, but she found no options available for her that didn't connect to the military in some way. It seemed as though that army had its clutches on every part of the world.

Meeting Finnick changed Cyprian's life. A kid genius with an idea so stupid and so smart it could very well change the world; Cyprian simply couldn't resist. She was fond of Finnick and their work, and agreed to perform the surgery after many months of research, experimentation, and planning. After, Cyprian told Finnick it was best for the two to separate, as much as she wanted to keep them by her side. It was an unusual feeling, wanting someone to keep her company, but an unnecessary feeling. Cyprian had a new goal now, and she couldn't let her emotions get in the way.

Cyprian was recruited into the army with the allure of reaching that research dream of hers. She was used to fighting tooth and nail to be the best; this was just a different setting. After many, many months of no progress, Cyprian had resigned herself to be wasted potential. When Finnick showed up, it was the best day of Cyprian's life. The person who made her rediscover herself, the person who changed the world... There he was, right in front of her once again. Cyprian was terrified of her own feelings and in a rash move, she attempted to sneak into one of the research facilities. She was caught, demoted, and in a fit of rage, she destroyed medical supplies and just about anything she could get her hands on. She was swiftly discharged from the military and found herself alone once again.

Cyprian attempted to get back to medical work, but with the dishonorable discharge on her record, nowhere wanted to take her. She finally applied to Sugarpines, a skeevy hospital she'd her about from some old collegues in the military. She was accepted immediately. Finally, her dream of research was accessable. With zero regulations or general regard for morals and human life, Cyprian found she could do... Essentially whatever she wanted. She quickly found herself caught up in the madness and slowly her mind deteriorated with the freedoms she was given. No rules, no superiors, just herself and her subjects...

Originally from Tomersey, Cyprian was born and raised in Brasette, known as the "city of science." With a good amount of generational wealth and well off parents, Cyprian attended the best schools from childhood. As a child, she was quiet, preferring to keep to herself and often showing disinterest in making friends or playing nice with others. She had a natural affinity for the sciences and worked hard in school, and other people her age were often offput by her intelligence and dedication to working. An only child, her parents made no attempt to foster her social skills, pouring all their attention and money into Cyprian's academics. There was no specific reason she wanted to be a doctor, it was just something she had wanted to do her entire life. Eventually, she settled on being a neurosurgeon, and her family supported her decision. Throughout her college years, she continued to keep others at arms length, never truly connecting with her peers. There was just something that bored Cyprian about other people; there was no drive or pull to get to know almost all people. Even after college, into her career, Cyprian kept to herself, content on her own.