Rodin Beaufort



2 years, 9 months ago


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Name Rodin Beaufort
Alias Din the Crucible, Beau
Race Human
Age Unknown, 300+
Pronouns he / him
Orientation Homosexual
Occupation Master of the Tower
Alignment Neutral Good
Element Aether
Weapon Staff
Isle of Origin Icarus; the Home of Men

  • lemon sweets
  • magic research
  • "older" men
  • spoiling friends and lovers

  • disrespectful young people
  • stubborn old people
  • the fact it takes him at least an hour to get ready in the morning

Rodin Beaufort. A name every inhabitant of the Isle of Men knows. They grow up hearing tales of his deeds; the discoveries which led him to become the youngest Tower Master in history, the inventions which persist in usefulness to this day, and the Cataclysm Raids he's participated in. Countless heroic battles with the Outer Beings attempting to invade their world, thwarted by him, the pinnacle of magic.

A living myth, the Master of the Tower of Magi.

Unfortunately, it's really only his name that's well known. People meeting Rodin for the first time usually fail to recognize him. Between his cheerful, good-natured personality and the youthful appearance he's so proud of, even new students of the Tower tend to mistake him for an upperclassman. It's a point of concern for him, since he worries he's not being taken seriously, just not enough to override his vanity.

Name Relationship

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Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec lacus et ligula cursus blandit. Phasellus tincidunt ante vel ante viverra, tempor hendrerit nulla.