Frew's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Fiddlyfaddle Global Rules

You're free to do whatever with my designs, such as changing their species, name, redesigning them, reselling, etc, as long as you don't

-use them in anything offensive 

-delete them off toyhouse 

-sell them at a higher price I gave you them for(unless extra artwork is added to increase their price)

Also, do not buy them from me just to instantly sell them again please! Buying for friends is all good, aswell as selling them after realizing you don't have an attachment! Ehay I'm going on about is buying them just to profit off them by reselling them... idk how else to better explain it!!

If I catch you doing this you'll go on a (for now)private blacklist.. 

Anywho, yeah go wild lmao!!