Miryoku kibun moya Placeholder



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Miryoku Mochizuki “DJ Remon”
Gender: Male
Species: Gel flop-eared cat
Sexuality: gay as fri c

Miryoku Mochizuki was born in Mingxiong, Taiwan, his family consists of Chinese and Japanese blood. He and three siblings lived in a small apartment, his mother would have to stay home to take care of them while their father had to work many shifts to keep their family afloat. Miryo and his siblings would always play near the train. There was a small fishing dock by their house of which they used to stand over it to try and swipe at one. Their apartment’s first floor was a small market that sold art supplies and books, owned by an old lady. They were mostly homeschooled for the time being and had a lot of free time. Occasionally they would go to the town center and watch people perform with instruments. Miryoku showed interest in music but their family didn’t have the money to learn. One day, their father came home to great news, they got a large promotion and they might finally become a , quote “Normal family” but there was a catch, they had to move to Japan for the business.
Miryoku was surprisingly good at learning Japanese, but he still very missed his hometown. Though they were finally able to actually afford many things, when he asked for music lessons, his parents refused, not because they were expensive but they told him, those things only distract oneself in life and true work for society is with your own bare hands. Miryoku thought this was ironic since his father pretty much slumped over a computer all day. He usually was pretty busy with school and worked many part time jobs. At one point, when he was working at a coffee shop, he met two people, Raymond and Liam, they were both Americans that moved to Japan to make a living. They made conversation, where Ray and Liam mentioned they owned a live house and were also Japanese Rappers. Ray and Liam were frequent customers of the coffee shop, Ray eventually convinced Miryoku to visit the live house. On that day, Miryoku called into the coffee shop, saying they had to take a day off but never told their parents, knowing how they’ll react. He wanted to bring his siblings but he had to -lay it safe for now. When he arrived, he got to hear a small bit from Ray’s upcoming song, he also introduced himself to a few other musicians that went there often, such as Kibun. Miryoku got along well with Kibun as he was quite interested in instruments and things of that sort. Ray had suggested Miryoku the occupation of a Dj as they make good money, and Miryoku can just remix music as a side job while they try to sharpen their actual music skills with instruments. Though he made a bunch of friends at the live house, he also met a formidable and stubborn British fellow by the name of Jack Jamieson. They were very skilled with the guitar but always commented on Miryoku’s remixes, saying it wasn’t real music. Obviously this pissed Miryoku off, but he kept going anyways, using every second to practice other instruments in private when he wasn’t studying or playing around with remixes, like an old acoustic guitar he borrowed from Kibun. 

Over time, he made his remixes more original and live mashups and it made his brand name of “Remon” more popular with the locals and eventually national. Unfortunately, with his rising popularity, he couldn’t spend as much time practicing actual instruments nor could he hide the fact he was “pursing” the job of a disc jockey to his parents. They had a huge argument that ended with Miryoku settling for a bachelor’s degree in college instead of a higher degree that his parents would be more content with. Miryoku has pretty much given up practicing various instruments at this point as he was trying to save up to move out. After graduating and moving into his new apartment, his parents still quite bothered him so he decided to get a part time job of a teacher at a music school, it was somewhat decent it their parents eyes, quote “At least your not completely selfish with your un-earned success” Though he wasn’t completely happy with his occupation as a teacher and dj, he chose to stick with it and used those emotions to create music pieces. Over time, he finally tried enjoying his lifestyle, he may not be doing what he always wanted to do nor does his family approve of it, but he made people happy, and he made friends, rivals, and fans, which was good enough for him.
One day, Ray told him he was going to start holding a music championship battle for the locals at the live house once a year and suggest him to attend. Miryoku agreed, knowing they may not win but he could finally show to everyone and himself that he was changed ever since Ray entered the coffee shop. When he rose onto the stage, with eyes all looking towards him, he just played like how he always played, when his final note faded away, everyone erupting in cheering. He was given the title of Musician of the Year. For the next three years, Miryoku, Ray, and Jack would vary in the top three as they improved. On the fourth year, right before it was his turn to perform, a person ran into him on their way out. They talked for a bit before Miryoku was called up to the stage. After his performance though, the person, Nigel Fishcher, complimented them on their skills and they got acquainted and eventually became his student. They moved together and Nigel was always good company after a long day of work. Miryoku introduced him to many people and collaborated with them, including Kibun and Sseun, though with the death rates near the cities rose into surprising numbers, Miryoku kept working as usual. Nigel would always complain and ramble about how Kibun and Moya would always call them and complain about how “weird” and “suspicious” one of Sseun’s friend, since Miryoku didn’t know of this friend well, he told Nigel to just ignore it.

However, there is no ignoring when Nigel came into his room one day and told him Moya had been hospitalized

Name: Moyashi (other name candidates: Nigiyaka(lively), Sutekka (sticker), Karafuru (colorful) 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Moyashi or Moya, was born in Japan, he had two younger brothers and he had a single dad, his father was very hardworking and kind to him and his brothers, though his dad always seemed sad because of the death of Moya's mother when he was 4. Moya didn't remember much of his mother but he would care for his cheerful wild brothers and his aging sad father. He had to move into a dormitory to go to highschool and had to leave his family behind, however, he wrote letters to his father and short stories to entertain his brother every day. In highschool, he met Kibun, Sseun, and Miruku. He had met with Sseun first, who inspired to become an idol singer and Moya encouraged him to chase his dreams, he often helped him with lyrics of his songs.  He then met Kibun, who also made music but couldn't sing for the life of him. He then met Miruku, who came from a family of bakers but planned to open one of her own. He hung out with them a lot, writing music and stories and inspiring each other, though Miruku often couldn’t join them.  Sseun eventually had to leave them for business in Tokyo, he heard that Sseun had met his idol and his idol proposed he could work with him. Moya was suprised but proud for Sseun, Kibun had talked with the supposed idol, Spear, and said Sseun would be in good hands. Kibun would move around a lot by college and this resulted in him being unable to communicate through phone because of the choppy internet so Moya started writing letters to Kibun. Miruku had become stressed from school and eventually moved back home to help the family bakery, however, Moya often talked to them through letter, both brainstorming ideas for when Miruku was ready enough to pick up her dream again. He had started writing a book just when he was about to graduate college inspired by his family back home and his far away friends, which became a best-selling in his city. 

Kibun and Moya hadn’t heard from Sseun for awhile, there were reports of rise in homicide in Sseun’s and Spear’s city, it was the same as last year except for the most recent spike of murders, assassinations, and bomb explosions, they were reasonably worried. All of a sudden, when both Kibun and Moya were doing financially well, Sseun reached out to them and asked if they wanted to do a collab and they all moved into Spear's really spacey apartment for the time being. Occasionally, Sseun would leave Moya, Kibun, and Spear in the apartment alone to run arrands and occasionally, Kibun and Moya realized Spear was acting off, Spear would mutter questionable things and seemed a lot colder than they were before. They tried discussing what was wrong with Spear privately but Sseun eventually caught on, they argued why they were talking crap behind Spear’s back, Kibun and Moya tried explaining but Sseun said they were to give them a solid good reason why he should believe anything their saying about his ‘friend’ by tomorrow.

They didn’t had to find any because a solid good reason was

They found Moya’s head had been bashed into the floor in the morning


Name: Kibun (mood in Japanese)

Gender: Male

Species: Cat

Sexuality: Demisexual

Kibun was born in Kyoto, Japan, he had excelled in his classes through elementary under the supervision of strict parents. He never talked much and always had a gift for making music in the form of instruments. It was when starting high school when he started focusing less on his classes, he met Sseun who was very passionate in performing and singing and had recently moved to Japan. He also met Moya, who wrote inspiring letters and short stories. Nui and Sseun practiced music together while Moya would scribble lyric ideas. They often met up at Nui's apartment to compose, sing, write, mess around. Sseun had a dream to become an idol and asked if Kibun would perform with him. Kibun refused, as he was never good at performing in front of people and couldn’t sing for the life of him. It was when Sseun met their favorite idol was when it all started, Sseun had introduced Spear to Kibun at one point, he thought Spear's ideology was kinda "freakish" but Sseun didn't know what he meant. At some point, Sseun couldn’t pay rent for their apartment and Kibun and Moya was too broke to help, Sseun had became friends with the idol, Spear, and she had offered Sseun to move in with her. That was fine and all, until Spear had to move to Tokyo for business, and Sseun had went with her. Kibun and Moya were reluctant to see Sseun go but he reassured it would be fine and they would keep touch. Sseun called both of them often, he kind of felt bad for leaving his friends behind but Nui and Moya always congratulated Sseun for trying to get his dream job and said they were fine. Even when they had financial trouble and Spear would try to help them, they would refuse.  From here on, he had to move apartments a lot, and was getting tired of it so he started writing music. His music had gotten popular over time, and he was able to pay rent. Kibun and Moya hadn’t heard from Sseun for awhile, there were reports of rise in homicide in Sseun’s and Spear’s city, it was the same as last year except for the most recent spike of murders, assassinations, and bomb explosions, they were reasonably worried. All of a sudden, when both Kibun and Moya were doing financially well, Sseun reached out to them and asked if they wanted to do a collab and they all moved into Spear's really spacey apartment for the time being. Occasionally, Sseun would leave Moya, Kibun, and Spear in the apartment alone to run arrands and occasionally, Kibun and Moya realized Spear was acting off, Spear would mutter questionable things and seemed a lot colder than they were before. They tried discussing what was wrong with Spear privately but Sseun eventually caught on, they argued why they were talking crap behind Spear’s back, Kibun and Moya tried explaining but Sseun said they were to give them a solid good reason why he should believe anything their saying about his ‘friend’ by tomorrow.

They didn’t had to find any because a solid good reason was

They found Moya’s head had been bashed into the floor in the morning

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