


2 years, 8 months ago


Tsokatani / Tahnni

Very old

Female, she/her

Dragonkin x fish hybrid


Tsokatani is a divine being who is responsible for warning civilisations of their impending dooms. She travels using her many sets of wings (some which are seldom shown otherwise) and can swiftly traverse the skies, lands and seas effortlessly. Her name isn't too well known as she prefers to roam by herself, but some groups and cultures speak of her in various ways. To some she is the benevolent deity of fate, who uses her powers to better the lives of those who worship her. Others may know her as the harbinger of calamity, a fearsome force who brings disaster with her wherever she walks.

Her reputation amongst mortals and other deities is a huge part of why she prefers to keep to herself, only showing her true face in people's times of need. Otherwise, she is simply known as Tahnni, a traveller with a humble background and poor management of money. Her spirit fish friends follow her around and keep her company while she explores the landscapes of any planet she finds... before that one inevitably perishes, too.


  • Tahnni's horns are squishy- but do not attempt to touch them, lest you suffer a terrible fate (they are VERY ticklish).
  • Her wings and tail are coated in small fish scales that are neither wet nor will they dry out... like a snake!
  • Her love for betta fish has inspired her usual appearances- she changes her colours and wing shapes to mimic how some bettas look!
  • Because she takes on many different forms, most people believe that there are multiple of her kind... when there's really only the one.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • Fishes (especially loaches and bettas)
  • Mangoes
  • Being warm
  • Beaches, lakes and other bodies of water
  • Spending time with her partner


  • Mushrooms
  • The cold
  • Being bored
  • Strong perfumes and deodorants
  • Cutting nails


Once upon a time, there was a little fish who lived in the pond surrounding a shrine. People would offer the fish coins, crumbs and a story so that they may be blessed with a good fate. There was one visitor in particular- a young dragon girl with bright blue eyes. She always spoke of a place called "the ocean", and expressed her wishes to be able to hear it as she was, for the most part, hard of hearing. The fish listened intently, its black eyes dark and unmoving. It wondered if it would ever get to see this "ocean".

"I'll take you to the ocean someday! Well, when you're not busy listening to other people," she giggled as she gave it some extra crumbs of her biscuit. The fish was happy with this, and gulped the crumbs hastily as she watched it.

✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄ ☿️ ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

One fateful day, calamity struck and ravaged the planet. The dragon girl hurried to the shrine and collected the oblivious fish into a bucket. Together they ran in the direction of the ocean, avoiding falling debris and the bodies of fallen civillians. The sand and debris cut into the girl's feet, but she continued to run out of sheer desperation and terror. However, they could only get so far; they collapsed onto the shore, unable to go any farther. Ultimately, they perished.

The ocean pitied their desperation and unfulfilled wishes- a young girl who yearned hear it, and a beloved fish who yearned to see it. It enveloped the two into its cold yet comforting depths, and made them whole again. And then there was one.

✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄ ☿️ ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

The girl groggily awoke in the dawn after her planet's death. She peeked at her reflection in the dirtied water, and saw two different eyes staring back at her; an eye that shimmered with the blues of the seas and hope, and an eye that held the void, motionless and cold. She wept as she stared out to the ocean.

"Why me? Why would you do this to me? What have I become?" she begged the ocean for an answer- something. Anything.

At some point after sobbing her heart out, she had finally begun to experience some sense of clarity in all of this tragedy. She is a deity born of seafoam, and her duty was to help others avoid the same fate her former halves had suffered. She is now a divine messenger of fate, the first of her kind. And her name is Tsokatani.



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