
2 years, 9 months ago


name: vincent valentino

age: mid twenties ~24

height: 6'5

vincent is a charismatic, laid back, shapeshifter bastard with a penchant for flirting with just about everyone he meets. vincent is an incubus with a hedonistic philosophy, and a pretty complacent attitude. he's pretty good at socializing but generally doesn't reach outward himself without flirting first. he can shapeshift to fit one's desires and because of this he's essentially genderless. vincent's also very much a romantic, and is in love with the concept of attraction and infatuation. since he's very much satisfied with his place in the world, vincent spends most of his days just chillin out, as well as helping eve in whatever crazy ideas she has for the day. despite seeming to enjoy playing with people, he is still observant to their feelings and will stop his flirtatious behavior as soon as he picks up any discomfort from them. vincent does try to ensure he never goes TOO far in his flirting, as breaking any hearts isn't his goal.  his general character development/theme is his internal conflict between wanting to be serious with someone in a romantic relationship, and his incubus needs.

he tends to be snide and pretty relaxed at nearly all times. vincent also has a great appreciation for people who are honest, believing those people are the best kinds of people. vincent is also very proficient in many instruments, most notably the electric guitar and sax. vincent also enjoys working out and learning martial arts, fancying street fighting as a side hobby. he enjoys staying fit, but isn't super passionate about it. vincent is generally pretty calm and collected most of the time, nearly never breaking composure, he never tries to hard or cares very much about anything, as he very much just enjoys going with the flow. however, he is very critical of things, and is very often prone to calling things out quickly, as he sees it. he tries to be a reliable guy, letting people come to him for favors and problems. vincent generally likes helping people become a better person, with brutal honest and bluntness, but all in the spirit of tough love. after all, love is what he values the most.

fun facts:

- vincent can hide his horn but he wears it proudly like 99% of the time

- vincent isn't SUPER into video games, but he is good at ALL of them naturally

- vincent likes fashion, mainly punk streetwear, quite a bit, but his most frequent fits tend to be a cool jacket with no shirt underneath

- vincent often falls asleep when he's not doing anything, which is pretty often

- his favorite genre of music is jazz and tango, as he believes it's the "most suave" types of music

- vincent naturally smells kind of like soft perfume