Asmodeus - ☯



2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Asmodeus

Age: 16

Birthday: January 9

Star sign: Capricorn 

Gender: demiboy (he/they)

Sexuality: gay

Status: single

Flavor: pop

Clan: Epsilon 

Power: telepathy 

Personality: awkward, quirky, weird, goofy, class clown, a walking meme. He's always on about something weird, something new each day, has an odd obsession with the idea of aliens and insists he's seen an alien before, but no one knows if they're actually telling the truth or making it up for a fun story. They like to tell a lot of strange and outrageous stories, actually, and while these stories are plausible most tend to think they are made up. He's also very loud, rambunctious, adventurous, and a very fun floss to be around. Never a dull moment around them. 

Likes: living life, having fun, being goofy and being himself, sending time with friends, going on trips and adventures, discovering new things

Dislikes: being judged and called weird, tho he doesn't care too much, having to sit still and be quiet, being told they aren't able to do something

Lives: New Himapaat, Epsilon 

Occupation: student