Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Welcome to my th page! Please be sure to read everything listed below before viewing/interacting with my profile. It may just keep you out of trouble and make things easier for both of us.


  • I am ND (autistic/adhd). Please, try to be as straightforward as possible with me as it is the only way I will 100% be able to understand what you’re saying without having to guess or assume. It’s really hard to tell what your tone or intention is over messages, so please be as blunt as you can without being disrespectful.
  • I have mental health issues relating to depression and anxiety, a busy school schedule, and I also work fast food. I can be extremely busy/distracted and will use my free time for what I deem important such as mental health days, art, social media, or friends. Please keep in mind that I cannot be online constantly and I tend to forget/overlook messages. Try to be patient, I apologize in advance.
  • If I do or say something that you do not agree with, please understand that I have my own opinions/beliefs. I will not tolerate them being disrespected or disregarded. If you would like to inform me on any misinformation or problematic people/opinions, please do so in a civil/respectful manner. I’m more likely to listen to you then.
  • Most, if not all, of my characters are private due to theft. I have had people try to claim/copy my characters as their own and I’m done taking risks. I only allow close friends and trusted personal to view my characters. I will only make them public if I am trying to sell them.


  • Create art or show love for my characters. Even if you cannot see them here, I do post them on my socials. You can show love to them through art, appreciation, or give likes/favorites.
  • Ask me questions or ask my characters questions. I love to get interaction from others on the things I create, I adore and cherish my work as if they’re my children. So, receiving adoration for it would make me extremely happy.
  • Respect me, my friends, and my characters. Be careful with your wording and how your tone comes across, cause it can be easily misinterpreted.
  • Give me feedback! I work extremely hard on my content/characters. If you have any tips, tricks, or feedback for me regarding my content, I’d love to hear it! Any way that I can further improve my content would be greatly appreciated. Just remember to be respectful and watch how you come across before contacting me.


  • Steal/claim, copy, or highly reference my characters, designs/adopts, brand, or art. They’re all under the protection of copyright laws. If theft is committed, I have every right to come after you, so I suggest you think carefully before you decide to do something stupid.
  • Use my characters/art for any pfp, backgrounds, face-claims, kins, or stories without my permission. I’m flattered that you like my character enough to use them, but it makes me extremely uncomfortable when people have/use my characters for anything without my approval. If you would like to use my character for anything, please ask for permission first.
  • Comment or message anything towards me, my friends, or characters that’s deemed disrespectful/offensive. It is extremely upsetting/triggering to have to deal with chronically online people who don’t know what a block button is. If you have a problem with me or a friend, just don’t interact with us or our content at all.
  • Ask to be authorized. If you’re asking to be authorized, I will only become suspicious of you. Unless we have an agreement to trade or we’re close/trustworthy of each other, you will not be authorized to view any of my characters. You can find art of my characters on my socials such as Instagram, Twitter, or Deviantart. Continuing to ask after I ignore you will get you blacklisted.

Please read the following warnings below as they may pertain to you and can be helpful. Do not continue to my profile without reading and agreeing.


  • Please be aware that I am still working on my profile and some warnings/tags haven’t been updated just yet, so please view cautiously.
  • I will only be interacting with people who are 16+ due to the content I have/will have on my profile. Please be respectful of these boundaries and only interact if you are of appropriate age.
  • A lot, if not all, of the themes on my profile are mature. All mature/NSFW images are/will be appropriately tagged. If you’re a minor, please do not interact with inappropriate content as it makes me extremely uncomfortable.
  • The opinions and actions of my characters do not necessarily reflect my own, and what (mature) topics I explore in a fictional context, in private is absolutely not the same as what I condone, support, or even tolerate in real life. those who cannot distinguish fiction from reality (relating to most topics) are simply not mature enough to be on/interact with my profile.


  • You're under the age of 16 (see WARNINGS to know more).
  • You're a Racist, Homophobe, MAP, Proshipper, Ableist, or Theif.
  • If you believe that mental illness do not exist/can be cured.
  • You are incapable of arguing your point of view with any respect and simply revert to personal attacks and name-calling if someone challenges or disagrees with your opinion, regardless of the topic.

If I have blacklisted you, you must have really pissed me off/made me uncomfortable. I blacklist people who I believe are a threat to my characters or myself.

Please do not interact with me or my profile if you are friends with someone listed or just here to complain. The people listed are there for a reason and I will not be removing them.

And, finally, do not go and harrass or bully any of the people below. They may suck, but I'm not here to spread hate. If I find out you're bullying/harrassing any of the people listed, you will also be blacklisted along with them.


  • Akara_otter
    • Had a fall out and is now constantly harassing me through other people (spreading shit) or stalking my socials. Afraid they'll try to steal my characters next.
  • Synnbad
    • Got pissy with me over a miscommunication and sold a character from me without informing me and sold it for more than it was worth. Afriad they'll copy/highly refrence my characters and sell them for money, especially since they've done it to other people before.
  • user
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • user
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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