Isa Kennedy



2 years, 7 months ago


Isa Kennedy, the Moonstruck Revenant.

A quiet man, Isa is returned to life. He has a delicate constitution, and does not often leave the townhouse. He is an artist, and quite the accomplished one at that. He tires easily, is known to fear crowds, and has difficulty keeping warm. Being dead has left quite the impression on him.
Isa loves the cats of London, featuring many in his works. He isn't one for suits, preferring the baggier clothes of the Khanate and similar fashions, especially ones that help him keep warm. His vision is damaged, and he has a large scar running the width of his throat, which he often covers with ribbon.

Destiny: the oath. you will be true.
Zodiac: bat, (metamorphic) home-loving, quiet, practical, strong, wise, well-organized

isa - short form of germanic names beginning with the element is "ice, iron".
moonstruck [unable to think/act normally] + revenant [person who has returned from death]