They are adorable! Could I snag them? I am in need of a comfort character to make random doodles of.

I'd like to try out for this kid. 

Peyton is gonna be a star! At least that's what they tell everyone. Movie star? Musician? Artist? Entrepreneur? Who knows what field they're even talking about. Regardless they have an unshakable confidence in themselves that makes others take a second look. At the moment they're taking a break to allow the stars time to realign in their favour (their exact words when asked). This mostly comprises of hanging out with their bff Val, talking fashion and drinking too many caffeinated drinks. They love clothes and can be found wearing things in fashion as well as attempting to bring things out of fashion in. They're the kind of friend who borrows things and never remembers to return them. You will get the items back but most likely when they show up wearing/using it like 6 months later. They're a terrible liar and very affectionate, always keeping a hand on whoever they're with. They'll figure out what they wanna do someday but until then Peyton is happy to take it easy.