


2 years, 9 months ago


  • Rory

  • age ???
  • pronouns any
  • species cat
  • power time traveler
  • theme

serious • stoic • curious


Rory, your resident time traveler

Rory is a very naturally curious guy. Clearly, you have to be if you time travel. He is cautious and very safe when it comes to most things in life, and is easily frustrated when other people refuse to think ahead.

He is very smart, although he doesn’t show it much.

From an outward view, it seems like Rory shares a lot about his life. He is very open with his likes, dislikes, and random tidbits about his life, but he refuses to share any actual personal information. His place of birth, date of birth, blood family, childhood, etc, are all completely unknown to nearly everyone outside of himself.

"please stop touching things before you prevent yourself from being born."

height 10in

weight 3lbs

pronouns any, defults to he/him

sexuality unlabeled

dob ???

apprentice leo

powers time travel

mentor michael morbius

mbti intp

place of birth ???


nicknames (the) traveler

obtained designed by me

value nfs

design notes

  • simplify if needed!
  • little spike of hair on his back
  • bracelet stays on paw usually
  • scar on leg from traveling

character notes

  • usually disheveled
  • scar can give away how old he is at certain times
  • rarely wears suit
  • can waer a bowtie. for no reason in particular.

Well... it's not a linear story, that's for sure.

There is no particular timeline to Rory’s backstory. He appears one moment and is gone the next. Sometimes, events that, chronologically, happened like: A, B, C

Will, from his own perspective, have taken place in the order of: B, C, A

Go crazy go wild

he goes around and does fun stuff in different time periods! Anyone is more than welcome to propose their character having a friendship w/ Rory! I think we could play around with him being able to transport them (+ himself) back in time, perhaps to a time period where a character wasn’t dead……..? Idk!

But here's what's happened to him so far!

This is not accurate anymore but im too tired to fix it rn

There is no real way to track Rory’s life. He shows up, he does things, and he leaves.

Generally, Rory is a very lonely individual. He has plenty of friends in plenty of times, but because he is constantly running around, it’s hard for him to keep those friends.

Long ago in his past, Rory messed with time in a less-than-heroic way. He caused chaos and general bad things before he was punished by a creature much more powerful than him. The creature forced him to watch and understand the crimes he had committed, and forced him to go back to his own time and give up traveling. Clearly, that did not happen, as Rory escaped.

Despite actively going against the entity’s wishes, Rory changed his life path. He went from place to place giving people closure or just a better life. He eventually settled in the 2000s, the time he would most often come back to.

The entity did tell him that time traveling would kill him, but that was not new news to Rory. He was well aware that every time period he jumped took a toll on his life, but he could not live with himself just going back to his own time period before he had paid his own penance.

Eventually, traveling did get to Rory. He died alone in an unfamiliar time, deciding it was a fitting payment for the crimes he had committed.

Even after Rory’s death, he can appear further into the future. This does not mean Rory is alive, just that a past version of him previously traveled to further in the future.

Because of how weird this timeline is, Rory may not remember moments he had with other characters because while it happened, chronologically, in the past, for Rory that may have been a future version of him and he may not have experienced it himself yet.

For example, a 24 year old Rory may have a conversation with a character in 2010. However, it is possible, and likely, for a 21 year old version of Rory to appear in 2020 and not remember that conversation with the character, because they had it in his own future.

This is incredibly confusing. I am so sorry. Time travel. If you’ve watched Doctor Who-- its that. I’m using Doctor Who rules here. If you couldn’t already tell, Rory himself is inspired by Doctor Who.



[ close friends/brothers ] Newt and Rory are good friends. Rory was beyond saddened when he learned Newt’s death was not preventable, leading him to risk messing up the timelines just to make Newt happy before his death.



[ nephew ] Rory is very fond of Phillip and considers the kid to be a nephew to him. He sees Newt in the kid and because of that, he is constantly trying to protect Philip when he has the chance.



[ partner ] Rory and Shepard were together for a few years when Rory decided to temporarily settle down. When he was eventually called back into action, Rory asked Shepard to forget about him, which Shepard refused to do. Time Travel with more than one person is very dangerous, but Shepard did travel around with Rory for a bit of time. Eventually, Rory decided time isn’t to be traveled by two people, and returned Shepard to their own time.

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