Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

-  Dont steal,Plagiarize, or heavily reference my characters  

- Dont steal,Trace,recolor  my art >:(

-Any art of mine  please don't post it elsewhere  without my permission (Unless I did art for one of your characters and you want them to post it on their galleries!, Then you can do it freely

-Some of my art,designs and  character literature/backstories may  contain various degrees of violence,, involved death in plots or  art ,Swearing, War themes Overly bright colors, or flashy images and depictions of  depression, Anxiety  and mental  scarring ( Please let me know if something isn't properly tagged because i'm very oblivious regarding triggers!)

-   I also sometimes do gore  (Low-Heavy) and body horror. Though rarely  I warn  anyway !

- My character's playlists might contain songs with strong language

Some disclaimer : If you do any art for my characters they will be all  posted on their respective character galleries with proper credit,
you are free to  contact with me if you  don't want to your art be posted in my character galleries.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

This profile has a constant drawings and imagery of snakes that may not be situable for people with  Ophidiophobia

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