Griffynn Dargann (Fynn)



2 years, 7 months ago




○ Last name: Dargann

○ First name: Griffynn (Fynn)

○ Age: 22

○ Gender: Male

○ Sexuality: /

○ Faction: Street Kids

○ Occupation: Weapons repairer and optimizer of all kinds

○ Neighbourhood : Eastern Hill

○ Race : Tieffelin

○ Ethnicity : Russian|Caucasian


BABYLON ZOO ◊ Spaceman

M83 'Midnight City'

#Arcane Woodkid - Guns for Hire

○ Physical description:

Fynn is a tall tieffelin, standing at 1.95m and having a very lean and slender physique. Maintaining his body is paramount to him, he is a great sportsman. Getting up early to do his weight training and running sessions has become a habit. His skin is composed of several coppery shades, darker at the ends of his limbs. His hair is normally a very dark bluish grey but he bleaches it on the lengths. His eyes are two-tone blue-grey and yellow. Their drooping shape accentuates his sad and jaded look even more.

His tail is also blue and spikes of the same colour run up his spine. He lost his right leg during a mission when he was still a soldier. It has been replaced by a cheap, old-fashioned prosthesis that he cannot afford to change.

○ Cybernetic equipment:

He has no cybernetic equipment apart from an old prosthesis to replace his amputated leg. His lack of means and the fact that he has no particular use for it in his work means that he has not yet had the opportunity to equip himself properly.

○ Character:

Grumpy, Taciturn, Taisy, Observant, Competitive, Pessimistic, Protective, Angry, Bad player.

Fynn is impulsive, reacting quickly in stressful or emergency situations. The rest of the time, he is more of a recluse, observing and grumbling in his corner. He is rather sullen by nature, it is very rare to see him smile. His life does not make him happy and it shows. He is locked into a repetitive and monotonous daily routine in which he feels perfectly useless.  
Caracter profile:

○ History:

Fynn comes from a militia family. His mother died on a mission and his strict father pushed him and his younger brother to join the militia. At a very young age, he began to train both physically and intellectually with the sole aim of being the best. He joined the organisation as soon as he was old enough and proved to be an excellent soldier as well as a good strategist, he had started to rise in rank and was leading a small team. Unfortunately during a mission against the Gorgona gang that went wrong. A choice he made cost the lives of the entire team except for himself and one of his subordinates. This error of judgement led to him being treated as a pariah within the militia, but also to being rejected by his father and brother. It was during this mission that he lost his leg. The result is a great deal of guilt and hatred against the gang. Since he no longer had a place in the militia, he ran away and ended up in a very poor area of Sanctuary. There, he found a place with a gun dealer for whom he repairs and improves all kinds of weapons in exchange for a small, shabby flat and some money to survive. He continues to train diligently out of habit, cursing his missing leg which has greatly reduced his abilities making him a dead weight. He hates this situation but has no will to get out of it because of a lack of purpose. All his loved ones have turned their backs on him, he has no friends and he himself is no longer able to see how he can be of any use to the world. It is in this state of mind that he met Ash, this young Tieffelins who has become his friend, they see each other regularly and his presence lightens Fynn's daily burden. Perhaps thanks to him, he will find a goal and the will to improve their living conditions?

○ Fun Fact:

Fynn always needs to keep his hands busy, whether it's with a Chinese puzzle, his yo-yo or tinkering he is unable to stay idle. He also has the same problem with his tail, which wags uncontrollably (like a disgruntled cat) at any time of the day, even at night.

He may work all day on cybernetic weapons, but he has a strong preference for bladed weapons, which he says make a fight more dangerous and rewarding if he wins. It also brings more sensation because they are mostly hand-to-hand weapons. Yes, Fynn loves the adrenaline of combat. His weapon of choice is a sort of sharp metal boomerang that he can use in hand-to-hand combat as well as in throwing, and scars from his training in handling it still run down his forearms.

Because of the mission that went wrong, Fynn sometimes suffers from PTSD and night terrors

Fynn lives in a tiny, unsanitary flat with a leaky ceiling, walls blistered with moisture and mould, no high-tech equipment, the few pieces of furniture in the apartment are on the verge of collapse and there are no windows. That's why he often goes to the roof of the building to watch the city.

He loves cute stuffed animals
He can't stand strong alcohol and he shouldn't abuse beer either (even though he loves it)