


2 years, 9 months ago



Gender: Female

Age: 39

Height: 6' 6"

Occupation(s): Model for makeup and clothing brands, occasionally does fashion shows for famous designers.

Relationships: Wife to Kyle and mother of Flora. She's abused and treated horribly by her husband, but she sticks by him. She would defend him to her dying breath. As for her daughter, Flora doesn't talk to Alice much, even though Alice tries so hard for her child to like her. She worries a lot about her family. 

Alice also has a friend called Lilith, who she met in highschool. Lilith is very protective of Alice and wishes she'd leave her abusive spouse, though Alice won't hear any of it.

Hobbies/Interests: Alice loves to bake, though she's very clumsy, which often leads to... disasters. She also likes to sing, read, and garden. She has a flower garden filled with plants she takes care of. 

Personality: Alice is very anxious and shy. She is trying to get better at talking to people because of her job, but it doesn't come easily to her. She is very smart, but cannot defend herself or understand when she's in a dangerous situation she needs to get out of. She's afraid to raise her voice and make sure her thoughts are heard.