Chi Ketsuki



2 years, 9 months ago


Chi Ketsuki




Date of Birth
September 29

Prisoner no 003



Chi is a self-proclaimed vampire who has built a fairly well-known reputation online. She's quite lively and chatty and doesn't find it difficult to strike up a conversation with strangers. They don't like being serious and often like cracking jokes or asking silly questions, which makes them come off as air-headed. Chi can sometimes also come off as flirtatious, as she's used to using her charm to lure donors, she will sometimes be a bit touchy with her peers. While she loves conversing and attention, she doesn't leave her house often as she is in constant fear that a vampire hunter will murder her if she goes out into the world. They usually attain anything necessities through delivery. Chi likes to wear hyper-realistic vampire fangs, they're as sharp as a razor but still look like teeth. While Chi's fans consider their vampire identity to be a persona, Chi wholeheartedly believes that they're a vampire. After a failed suicide attempt in high school, she considered this her "awakening" into her new vampire life.


  • Blood
  • Victorian gothic fashion
  • Online shopping
  • Taking bubble baths
  • The smell of gasoline


  • Vampire hunters
  • Sunny + Warm weather
  • Room temperature water
  • Having short nails
  • Going outside


  • She genuinely feels ill if she goes longer than 2 days without blood
  • They taught themself how to do nail designs
  • Chi often cries while watching K and J-Dramas (their favorite genre)
  • She has a pet Mexican black kingsnake named Amaya
  • While she is Pakistani, she only knows Urdu on a brief level

Design Notes

  • They are 5’10 and 185 lbs. They hold most of their weight in their legs
  • Chi has a tongue and belly piercing
  • Her nails are quite sharp, they’re all natural! They’re usually a shade of red or black
  • Chi is a cup size E
  • She often wears corsets so her waist is quite slim
Early life

Chi was born in Japan and raised by her mother and father. Her father worked as a mortician and was constantly busy as he had to be on-call and help out whenever needed. Her mother on the other hand was a stay-at-home mom and handled the house chores and taking care of Chi. Chi’s father instructed their mother to not speak Urdu to Chi, as they live in Japan and want Chi to blend in as much as possible. Regardless, Chi’s mother would talk to Chi in her native tongue as she wanted to pass on some of her culture. While Chi’s home life was relatively healthy, her mind was not. Chi began hallucinating and having depressive thoughts at a very young age, around 3 years old is when the vision began. At first, these visions were brushed aside as “imaginary friends”, but the illusions didn’t leave when Chi grew up. Chi would hallucinate animals, people, and even monsters. The images would always have something off, though, such as a human without a face or an animal with another creature’s head. Chi lived in a never-ending cycle of fear as she couldn’t escape these hallucinations. As junior high began, this is when their mental health drastically dropped.

Chi’s hallucinations worsened. They were no longer just distorted beings but full-on monsters. All black shadow creatures, creatures with their jaw dropped with thousands of sharp teeth exposed- everywhere Chi went they were met with horror. Chi became an outcast in school as she acted “weird.” She would talk with people who she thought were real and she’d throw objects at things that weren’t there. Chi’s loneliness magnified their poor mental stability. As they had no one to talk to, they were left alone with their thoughts. She couldn’t talk to her parents about it as they just brushed it off as the visions being “imaginary friends.” One day, Chi had had enough and decided to end these visions.

Later life + Crime

During her third year of high school, Chi attempted suicide by overdosing. She didn’t succeed, however, and woke up in the hospital. Unbeknownst to those around her, Chi had woken up in more ways than one. Starting this day, Chi began to believe she had died as a human and revived as a vampire. She could feel her sense of hearing and smell heighten, and a sudden craving for blood developed. Chi began researching vampires and searching for fellow awakened vampires. At first, Chi would live off pork blood, but this began to not satisfy her and she realized she needed something better: human blood. She then got the idea to promote herself online, as she had seen many online cute girls gather loads of attention. Chi began dressing in gothic/victorian dress and wearing fangs in her pictures to lock in the vampire aesthetic. Over time, they began to attract an audience on Zwitter. Going by the username "ChiChi", their reputation spread as "the vampire girl." Thanks to her already growing audience, Chi didn't struggle to find donors. If anyone wanted to donate, they would first have to privately message Chi on Zwitter, then they would message on an anonymous chatbox that deletes after a period of time. Then, the donors would meet at Chi's apartment, where the feeding began. Chi would use knife-sharp fangs and bite the donor's neck, then suck the blood from the bite marks. Then, Chi would use a blood drawing kit and extract blood from the donor, which would include bags and bags of blood, totaling up to over 30% of the donor's blood extracted. Since the donor would lose so much blood, they would eventually end up dying. Usually, if the donor was a girl, Chi wouldn't kill them. She would extract around 470ML of blood, and provide the donor with drinks and food. With the corpses, Chi would bury them deep into a forest. Since Chi and the victim's messages were discussed on a chatbox that would delete itself, it was difficult to tie Chi to the murders.

I dont even know how Chi would have gotten caught but they did ROFL

Life in prison

Chi doesn't mind being in prison, she's quite chatty and is interested in talking with her fellow prisoners. However, they do have some concerns. One is acquiring enough blood to sustain them. Another is what their fans may think about their disappearance. However, she tries to make the best of her situation and continues to try to make friends and partake in her hobbies.

Runa Matsui [ Friends ]

"She has the most beautiful hair! I admire her tough spirit, seeing her work out is soo cool~! At first, I thought she would punch me if I spoke to her, but she's like a stray cat! You just have to get to know her to see the real Runa-san~! I wonder, would her blood be as hot as her spirit?"

Amari Masayuki [ Friends ]

"He's pretty quiet at first, but he's actually such a sweetie! His story about his boyfriend is so sad, parents really suck sometimes, huh? He also seems to be pretty interested in vampires, fufu, I'll tell you everything!"

Miki Ichigo [ Friends ]

"Miki-chan is beyond adorable!! I always have fun talking to her, she knows a lot about fashion and we do each others' hair sometimes hehe~ It's fun to tease her as she's so cute when she's mad, sorry Mikiii~! Let's have a tea date again sometime, okay?"

Sumni Delia [ Acquantinces ]

"Hmm, if I had to describe Sumni-san in one word, it'd definitely be sexy! Isn't she so cool? Her hair and physique, haaah, awesome..! Though, I don't think she wants to be a donor, this made me so sad! I hope she opens up soon, I won't hurt you Sumni-san, please don't hide your tastiness from me!"

Haru [ Friends ]

"Oooh, Harurin is such a mystery. Haru is so cute and small, I just wanna squeeze them!! The way Haru walks around reminds me of a ghost, could Haru also be undead like me? EE! So cool... I love you, Haru!"

Noa Kikuchi [ Friends ]

"Noa-chan is the cutest!! I adore her style, she pulls it off so well! I love painting her nails and styling her hair, I feel just like a big sister! Don't be afraid to come to me for help, okay Noa-chan? I promise I won't bite!"

Sota Konmoto [ Acquantinces]

"Sota always seems so down... I wonder what he thinks about? He could use a bit more confidence, don't be afraid to come to me for help~!"

Shiki Hanzo [ Friends ]

"Oh my gosh, Shiki is such a dear! Apparently, he followed me online, who would have known I'd meet a fan here?! Hehe, he makes me feel really cool, maybe I should ask him to paint me?"

Jun Choi [ Acquantinces ]

"Though I don't really care for boys, Jun sure is handsome isn't he? He really gives off a big brother vibe, y'know? He seems to take good care of himself, so I think his blood would be quite tasty~"

Takuya Shun [ Acquantinces ]

"Takuya is like a green bunny, don't you just wanna take care of him? He's a cutie for sure, and kind too! I've noticed the nicest people have the tastiest blood, so I wonder if he would be interested in donating. Don't worry though, I won't hurt you, pinky promise!"

Eito Kataoka [ Acquantinces]

"He's as tough as a rock! When we talk from time to time, it's not so bad! His love for his little sister is cute, does Eito-san have a cute side?"

biz×ZERA feat LOLUET

"Into your blood and skin, down to your bone's cartilage Emptying out what once resembled you, my lovely puppеt"
"Getting all wet, soaking in your raw blood til you can drown in it"
"You like the pain though it hurts, dontcha' baby?"