


2 years, 8 months ago


A dog messenger. Had the ability to aproximatively know were the recipients were located, but was never able to find the recipient of the last message his owner sent before dying in a war. During a tunderstorm, his travel was put to a stop when lighting struck him, making him loose conciousness and fall from a steep mountain. With his messenger role lost and bad injuries, his powers got weaker. The days were the spirit dog could travel without exhaustion and run on water are gone. Even his human form can no longer be held completly, leaving his dog ears and tail remaining. He is wandering the world in hopes of finding this lost recipient. He made the promess to keep searching through the years until the unknown person would inevitably die of old age.

Even with a eavy past, Inu is a cheerfull doggo who's content with pets and a good piece of steak. He is more often seen as humanoid since he can only talk in this form. People often stare at him, or more precisely at his doggy features wich irritates him, but he understand that non-humans are rarely spotted.

Design note: 

-the marks on his neck in dog form is not shading

-he only open his eyes in humanoid form. It is in fact, a shiba inu. Please don't draw him as an anthro

-he has blue blood! I just keep forgeting it when I draw

-his dog form is thicc, no it's not a stylistic choice