


2 years, 9 months ago


  • Doubt

  • Age 26
  • Gender Male
  • Race Tiefling
  • Role Musician
  • Theme

Secretive • Cynical • Liar


Doubt goes by many names--Valus, Mockery, Doubt.

Doubt has moved around a lot in his life--Elturel, Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and many other places. It doesn't go as planned--Doubt constantly seeks to end corruption and blackmail officials and guards, but his life constantly takes a turn when he is tossed into jail for using his magic to manipulate authorities to get what he wants. He knows it's a fool's journey, but he still tries anyways. What's life without a few risks and dangers?

Do not put your full trust and faith in this man, for one day he will turn on you and betray you. There's no point in him sticking around to wait for someone's death or weakness. There might be those who try and seek to change his views, but until that day, he will keep on living.

"Our world is woven from lies."

height 5'10"

class Bard

pronouns He/Him

sexuality Pansexual

Birthday Uktar 4

Bloodline Dispater

origin Elturel

occupation Street Musician

mbti ENTP

demeanor Mysterious

tarot Seven of Swords

element Water

style Athletic & Punk

Habits Smoking


  • Music
  • Debating
  • Jewelry
  • Sports


  • Authority & Corruption
  • Prison
  • Funerals & Cemeteries
  • Extreme heat


Born as "Valus" in Elturel in 1463 DR, him and his sister Alfira would grow up in the heavily enforced city with paladins and priests wishing to bring down righteous judgment across all, especially those of tiefling blood. The hellriders would constantly snide and become aggressive with tieflings within Elturel, causing "Valus" to become distrustful of any forceful authority at a young age. Valus' and Alfira's mother, hoping that they'd stay out of trouble and to calm their temper, brought to them a bard teacher named Lihala in their teenage years who would teach them both how to play music. Valus found himself excelling in the viol (/violin), finding the beauty in music soothing to the ear and being able to express his internal emotions much better than he can handle himself.

Teenage Years & Jail

At one point in his life while Valus was returning from school, during a full month one of the famous hellriders kept taunting the tiefling and almost aggressively stalking him. Eventually it got to the point where Valus snapped and tried to hit the guard. The guards tried to go after him, but he escaped into the night. One day, while keeping low, Valus caught a hellrider cheat with two different women over the course of a single hour. Deciding to blackmail the man, Valus attempted to lockpick the home and after having to force it, barged in and stole as much paperwork and valuables he could find. However, he was caught by the same individual and forced to jail for a few days while they decided his fate. As magic slightly returned to Toril by Mystra's slow return to the world (although not fully at this point), Valus was given his chance to escape as he felt the new energy swirl in his veins. Creating any distraction he could channeling his inner magic, Valus found himself escaping the prison and on the run. Packing up his belongings and anything he could, he fled town, heading northward to escape custody.


The first city he went to was Waterdeep, and created a new name for himself: Mockery. He kept mostly to himself, but one thing never changed: his distaste for authority and the corruption that seeded through them. Mockery spent his time learning how to lock pick, training under thieves unofficially and shadowing them, and learning the ways of the street. In the evenings, he went to bars and any events he could to gain gold with his musical talents. No matter where he went, he found people in need of music, and he focused his efforts on that when he could, letting his emotions show through his violin. Waterdeep created many new experiences for him: relationships and sex (which ended up rocky), drugs, new friends, and more of an opportunity to look into corruption.

Prison in Waterdeep

Things got to a boiling point. After a job gone wrong with the Xanthar's Thieves' Guild, Doubt was caught for a third time, but this one more serious--espionage, blackmailing an official, theft, and using magic to influence an official without consent. Originally, he was to be imprisoned up to a year, pay 1000gp, and then be permanently exiled from Waterdeep. After 3 months, the Thieves' Guild infiltrated the castle dungeons and were able to free him and some others. Mockery immediately fled and continued north, running as far as he could under new disguises. The Lord's Alliance tried to follow Mockery, but only so far. Mockery changed his identity to Doubt, and eventually started heading to Icewind Dale after getting a vision from his god Cyric of a frozen key surrounded by icy lands and frozen creatures.



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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