


6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Flynn/ Fleur








Sorcerer, Drowl User


Common - Regular body type / Fluffy ears, tail, base tail


[ Flynn ] was once a Warlock who engage in use of evil magic until he changed occupation to a Sorcerer after he owned a Summoning Card contained a Drowl and became a Master.

Flynn never would have thought he would get the hands of a Summoning Card. He found it through a greedy merchant that showed up to Flynn and bribed him about the card containing a strongest magic spell. They both examine as the designs are aesthetic, a tribal design, and Flynn could definitely feel something. By that, he was bribed easily when it comes to strong magic cards or scrolls so he paid a lot that he almost got broke just for the card. Neither did Flynn nor the merchant knew its a Summoning Card containing a Drowl.


 ♦ Judas [ Summoning Card Holder; Drowl User ]4580973_NlT1vI7XW2VbQFr.png

Flynn can be easily irritated when it comes to Judas, his Drowl, no matter what and where. Despite he's with a man, he thinks he was with a child instead with an abnormal physical growth. Other imagination is that, being with Judas made him think that he had a lost dog instead of a Drowl because Judas is always happy and excited whenever he summoned him from the Summoning Card. What's more is Judas is waggling his tail from excitement. He can't handle this but he will get used to it.

The orange flower Flynn and the Shayura wore was gifted by Judas on their first encounter. It is the first that caught the viewers eyes, stating it suits his grass hair. He would gladly accept the compliment but he turns snobbish since he couldn't deny that it actually suited him from an annoying Drowl.

Despite he's the Master of Judas, he's somewhat bad at giving ideas, strategies and tactics when it comes to battling with other Drowl users since he doesn't know Judas' swordsmanship. He is only good at magic related which it helps his Fire magic. Fortunately, they somehow won from few battles since Judas' skills are outstanding.


 ♦ Reizo Xiāngshuǐ [ Friends; Like a Family ]

Both are in good terms, almost as if Reizo Xiāngshuǐ is Flynn's child, but there are times its disastrous. One time Flynn was just chilling and he noticed his flowers, especially the orange flower that Judas gave, from his hair were being chewed by Reizo. Flynn almost snapped out and told his Shayura to bring Reizo far, far away. Fortunately, he managed to keep his cool down and used his spell to heal the flower back to its normal state after he stopped the stubborn Olenlule from eating it whole.

Both can be seen holding hands wherever Flynn goes for an adventure, exception to Judas in  his chibi form floating and made Flynn grab his tail and ended up holding like a balloon. People seeing them thought they are family, a mother that looks like a walking bush with flowers carrying a floating chibi Drowl and a child going on an amusement park. Tho Reizo didn't mind what people thought of them, he is somehow happy, except for Flynn being called as a mother and carrying a Drowl.


 ♦ Renaldo Hermosa [ Acquaintance ]

Flynn and Renaldo knew each other before Judas and Reizo. 

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