


2 years, 9 months ago


A tired kit. She may come off as somber, but she’s just tired a lot. Regardless, Finchkit has a brave heart and a big imagination and doesn’t let her lethargy slow her down! …much.

She’s very clingy to her dads, wanting to cuddle up with them and tag along with them whenever she can — most other kits her age, including her brothers, often have too much energy for her. Finchkit doesn’t really get along with anyone else, and when she isn’t resting or bothering her parents, she likes to practice the training moves she sees the mentors do with their apprentices. Her dream is to become a brave warrior who can protect her clan, like in the stories Honeyfrost would tell her of the warrior who mentored him in his apprenticeship. Although, privately, she often worries that she won’t live up to her namesake.

Since she sleeps so much, Finchkit has a lot of time for dreams. Whenever she remembers them, she likes to play make-believe with the ideas, even the scary ones, while she practices training moves. Vivid nightmares are common for her too, and she tries her best to forget them and not think too hard about it — eventually telling her dads to stop telling her stories so she wouldn’t see them at night. She would complain about how she was seeing “Finchstep” for a long time, although she seemingly grew out of it.

Finchkit has type 2 narcolepsy, the cause for her tiredness, frequent naps, and hallucinations — and later in life, sleep paralysis.