


2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Anser Aachen
Age: 24 (June 1)
Gender: male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130lb

Starter: Petal
Safe Shallows

Division: Gi - Belonging
Job: Writer
Anser has always aspired to be a news reporter. He travels around the island writing down everything he sees and share what he finds with other. He has recently begun experimenting with making his own paper to further record his findings. He plans to one day own and run Nozama's very first newspaper.

Examples of what he can offer:
• Travel around the island documenting Pokémon sightings and habitats.
• Make paper to write on or give to others on the island who may need it.
• Write up stories and imortant 'news' to pass around to residents.

Personality: + friendly  + level-headed  + adaptable  - oblivious  - impulsive  - stubborn
Anser is very outgoing to strangers. Being from a large city where new people were constantly coming to visit the schools or shops, he takes it upon himself to meet and greet everyone and show them around town.
(Basically he's that annoying kid you meet in the games that goes. "Hi! Have you been to the gym yet?!' Then leads you there by force and won't let you explore the rest of the town until you go in.)

Likes: • corny jokes  • stories   • new plants and pokémon (from afar)
Dislikes: • sweet-tasting things  • too much noise  • heights

History: Anser was raised in Jubilife City in the Sinnoh Region. His entire life his mother has worked delivering mail all over the city. His father... always has a job but seldom the same one for very long for various reasons. As a child Anser would ride along with his mother and read the newspapers as she was delivering them. He fell in love with the stories and writing in general. His dream has always been to be a famous reporter and can never be found without his notepad and a pencil.

His best friends are Dandy from Oreburgh City and Pecha from Floaroma Town. They met as teenagers in the city and have been near inseparable since. They are always seen traveling from one's hometown to the others'. While Dandy and Pecha each have a pokémon, Anser has never really felt compelled to get one. He's actually a bit intimidated by them, especially the larger ones, though he loves studying them.

Rumors began circulating of an island of strange pokémon where people have been known to disappear and never come back. Anser immediately saw this as a chance to become that famous reporter if he could get there and write everything he could about the place (he'd worry about getting back again later). He, of course, turned to his closest friends to help him with this: Dandy to build a boat to get him there and Pecha for the moral support to leave his home. When he saw the boat was ready he hopped on and headed out before he could change his mind, not realizing his two friends were still on board until they were well out to sea. He feels bad about dragging his buddies into his adventure, but, truth be told, he's awfully glad they're with him.

• ambidextrous
• has never owned a pokémon before coming to Nozama