tbn's Comments

BuzzAesthetic HII hello :3c would u take art offers on this guy ? also. any of these guys [ https://toyhou.se/11949888.tbn#37409997, https://toyhou.se/13174389.tbn#40935946, https://toyhou.se/11779174.tbn, https://toyhou.se/12048023.fawn ]

i didnt wanna spam u with pings n comments JHKKFDSGH

this character https://toyhou.se/11949888.tbn#37409997 and https://toyhou.se/13174389.tbn#40935946 i'd be willing to take art offers for! but they are also free with purchase if you buy https://toyhou.se/11779174.tbn and https://toyhou.se/12048023.fawn (roughly $12 and $8 respectively)

i could offer art for all 3 ur take art 4 !!! i could offer an icon per or 2 fullbodies (it is much easier 4 me to do feral fullbodies tho ":3)

could i get the 2 fullbodies? one of each of these two?

Hia! Any update here? Lmk whatsup! I'll be reopening them for offers within the week if I don't get a response ;v;b