


2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Calliope
Age: 30 (July 2nd)
Gender: Female

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 158 lb

Pokemon Team:

• Reading old plays (nothing new!), especially tragedies
• Singing alone
• Stargazing
• The sea and the sound of the waves

• Any criticism (constructive or not)
• Hugs
• Being cold

   + Confident   + Observant   + Independent
   – Impatient   – Bossy   – Perfectionist
Calliope is very good at sizing a person up soon after meeting them and using this to either win them over or tear them down. She's very project-minded - seeing what she wants and exactly what needs to be done to acheive that goal. She doesn't trust others to do a job as well as she can, so often tries to do as much as she can on her own, only turning to others for help when she's left with no other option. She sees her pokémon as extensions of herself, so trains them relentlessly to be as perfect as possible.
If only she was able to connect to people, she would be quite good and knowing what they need to be lifted up to a better version of themselves... Alas, she desires to lift up no one but herself.

  Calliope had an easy childhood. She excelled at nearly everything she tried as a child, leaving her with an over abundance of confidence, but did not work hard to hone any one skill to be really great at anything as an adult. She's has had several types of jobs in life; nothing seems to fit. She doesn't work well with others, and would soon get frustrated and leave, seeking a place 'worthy of her.' She probably did the best at Pokémon Obedience Training, earning fairly good money training the pokémon of those who saw them as pets to be controlled, rather than companions or battle partners. She didn't really enjoy this work, even if she was good at it, and eventually left it as well.

  Frustrated with her lack of a clear goal in life, she traveled for a bit with her two Shinx, who through the course of her travels, quickly evolved into Luxios, then Luxrays. She heard legend of an island, and decided if she couldn't make a place for herself where she was, she'd try in this new, uninhabited place. Unfortunately... Nozama wasn't quite as uninhabited as she thought. She saw survivors everywhere, each doing their own thing and doing nothing to tame and perfect this fresh, young terrain. She eventually found a small group of people with goals similar to her own, controlling and shaping the island to their view of perfection. She serves under their flag, but even in this group finds trouble working well with any of the others.

• She (and her fusions) are named after The Muses. Calliope is the muse of epic poetry and eloquence.