


2 years, 9 months ago



art by kars17


everyone's favorite sarcastic asshole. a deep thinker in nature, careful and calculated with (most) of his actions. and a lover, too, deep down in there somewhere.


"And then I realized that I could never take back what I said; and I realized that you actually gave two shits about me when you asked me if I was okay"

Blurry (full name: Blurryface, IT#1726590076-6496098331-0199547811), is one of three main characters in my AU I've dubbed "Sarcasm AU", and the main character in my book, Dangerous Sarcasm. He initially presents himself as a giant asshole, extremely closed off and cold to strangers. However, at his core, Blurry is witty, extremely intelligent, careful, and loyal to those he loves most.

Blurry has always been rather sarcastic amongst peers, and as a teenager, never liked attention and was honestly quite afraid of the world he lived in, having being surrounded by trauma, constant drama and a looming and uncertain future. But as he matures, and life grants him with a few gifts, he grows into a hidden confidence he has and becomes more open. Though, he does remain cautious around people he knows he can't trust and is still extremely protective and petty.

Many who didn't know Blurry when he was younger never gave light to the idea that he used to be cold-hearted. But those who did either see it and admire his growth and have respect for him, or they still use his old personality to judge him and think he still remains an unpleasant human to be around. At the end of the day though, those people are just jealous of his growth


  • Writing
  • His boyfriend
  • Homemade meals
  • Sleeping
  • Playing the bass
  • Getting the last laugh


  • Yelling
  • Severe storms
  • Black coffee
  • People who take advantage of others
  • Being alone for too long
  • Crying


  • Blurry is only seventeen years younger than his stepmother.
  • Blurry has never let his phone die once in his life.
  • Blurry doesn't know any of his extended family.
  • Blurry majors in English in college.
  • Blurry always sleeps with a fan on when he can.
  • Blurry knows how to paint nails.

art by kars17


"Actually, no, thanks for letting me pick up after your shit. It has been an honor to be able to replace you and be more than you ever were."

Growing up, Blurry was always the most reserved kid in the class. He never spoke to anyone and never wanted to make friends or be social. This carried over to his life as a kid and eventually as a teenager. He was basically his school's resident loner, and everyone knew it because the school was small. Even after being dragged into a friend group (against his will, at that), Blurry remained closed off and rather cold, but stuck around because it made his mom happy. Some of his newfound friends managed to get the slightest edge of humor out of him eventually, and he wound up opening up little by little as he continued through high school. His personality really bloomed as he started to get to know his now-boyfriend, Spooky, and that eventually translated over into his social life. He started cracking more jokes, laughing more and being slightly more nice to the few people he wanted to be nice to.

Apart from his social life, Blurry has always been loyal and protective even when he was young. Blurry is also very introspective and clever, and loves having very calculated and elaborate thoughts. He takes confidence in this and he lets that give him tiny pieces of pride to keep him going. As he grows older, his confidence does also. As he joins more into his boyfriend's band, he only lets himself rise. He eventually becomes more outgoing and cunning, but is still insecure about who he used to be


  • Introspective
  • Protective
  • Sarcastic
  • Faithful
  • Persistent
  • Creative


  • Insecure
  • Blunt
  • Naive
  • Distrusting
  • Jealous
  • Paranoid


  • Writing
  • Playing the bass
  • Going on drives
  • Listening to music
  • Singing
  • Napping


  • Color: light blue
  • Song: Pork Soda by Glass Animals
  • Music Artist: The Neighbourhood
  • Snack: salt and vinegar chips
  • Drink: Coca-Cola
  • Show: Black Mirror
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
  • Assertive Turbulent

art by kars17


  • Hair Color Dark brown
  • Eye Color Bright red
  • Skin Color Light beige
  • Height 5'10
  • Style Relaxed but with some effort
  • Skinny Large
  • Bony Curvy
  • Skimpy Muscular
  • Groomed Messy
"I don’t get poetic, but there is something so Goddamn vivid about you. You used to try so hard to hide yourself away that it became more enticing to look at you. Your hair is so dark that when it flops over your eyes it makes them brighter. Your lips are always cracked, but they’re pink enough that it looks like a choice. Your body language is so intricate when I take notice, it’s addictive to watch your every breath. My pretty boy."

Blurryface easily falls into the brooding and gorgeous quiet loner cliche, and everyone knows it. However, his sometimes awkward or cold body language offsets that, along with the skin he does not take care of and his always prominent eye bags. But other than that, yes, he's 100% eye candy. His face is short and squared, and he has a prominent jawline and largee doe eyes. His nose has a button shape and his lips are plump and saturated. Like previously mentioned, he always has lots of acne and eye bags. He keeps his face clean shaven.

His figure is more awkward, slightly lanky with the tiniest bit of arm muscle. He has prominent collarbones and his waist is slim but his hips potrude outward slightly. He has barely any muscle toning in his abs and has larger thighs but knobby knees and ankles. His feet are average sized along with his hands.

Design Notes

  • His genetic defects are in the common to mid classification, including his red eyes and his charcoal-black skin pigment discolorations in his neck down to his chest and in his hands.
  • As he grows older his hair grows out, long enough to be in a small bun. He keeps it short around the sides and prefers to have pieces hang in his face.
  • He also ends up with multiple tattoos when he's older (see references)
  • At the age of 23, Blurry wears both his engagement and wedding bands. Other than that he does not wear jewelry casually.
  • Blurry shaves his legs, so they rarely have hair on them.
  • When he's a teenager, Blurry wrote random phrases on his arms frequently in blue or black pen.
Click for Reference

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Name: Relationship

Nam elit metus, commodo vitae efficitur at, pulvinar ac justo. Phasellus non mauris sed tortor ullamcorper hendrerit. Aliquam consectetur mi in consectetur convallis. Sed rhoncus ipsum a libero rhoncus, pulvinar facilisis nunc egestas.


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Name: Relationship

Maecenas quam neque, tempor et semper sed, mattis sed mauris. Aliquam dictum efficitur nunc id convallis. In gravida ipsum id maximus consequat. Curabitur sed nisl ut libero condimentum fringilla.


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Name: Relationship

Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.


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Name: Relationship

Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui. Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra.


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Name: Relationship

Nulla facilisi. Donec ultrices dolor nec est elementum, consectetur vulputate lectus auctor. Vestibulum congue at urna et consectetur.


art by sunnysatvrn | ig

Name: Relationship

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna.

Biography (pre-Dangerous Sarcasm)


art by sunnysatvrn | ig

Blurry was born on November 25th, 2000 to his two biological parents, Vess and Bird. he was an only child for about a year, until he was joined by his brother, Momentum. Vess was disappointed that they could not produce a perfect, and he valued his kids based on who was defected the least, leaving Blurryface to be the most neglected out of him and his brother. Bird disagreed with her husband’s logic but could not stop Vess from behaving like this. They tried once more for a perfect, yet failed, so after their third child Golden was born, Vess became furious. he took his anger out onto Blurryface, claiming he was the reason behind their imperfect family and became so out of his mind that Bird gathered her things and left. Police pronounced her dead after months but she actually changed her identity and moved to New Zealand.

Blurry’s upbringing was centered around this trauma. He’s a victim of neglect from his father, never being paid much attention, denied meals on occasion and scolded for being too introverted at school. Right after Blurry turns five, his father introduces a young woman by the name of Caroline to the children. Caroline and Vess met through work, Caroline loving to hear about the kids. she stepped into help purposefully because she knew who Vess was and what he was like, and she unfortunately never got the chance to have children, as her late husband, Sage, passed away only a year after they got married when she was 20. She felt as if being there for these kids was her calling. She is only 17 years older than Blurry, making her 22 when she arrived. Vess and Caroline soon married, and Blurry did not trust nor like Caroline due to his issues, afraid that she too would leave and let his father continue to disrespect him.

Blurry goes into the rest of elementary school a lone wolf, his grades aren’t spectacular and he remains not having friends. He is not keen to the idea of friends, as he feels he is too mean for friends and is scared everyone will hate him. Caroline attends class birthdays with him and tries cheering him up when they happen, making light of any situation she can. This helps Blurry respect her for sticking by him, and he learns that she doesn’t absolutely hate him. By fifth grade, he is decently comfortable with Caroline.

Going into middle school, Caroline convinces Blurryface to sign up for the basketball team to get rid of some of his energy and repressed anger. Blurry agrees, joins, and does very well. Jock life isn’t his thing, but he keeps up well with the team and eventually some boys are envious of him and think he’s weird because he doesn’t have any friends and is generally rude if people talk to him because he makes snarky comments. He is generally already poked at for being so quiet and down all the time, but this heightens when his team starts a quiet rumor that he's gay. Blurry finds out through his teammate joking about it, but doesn't pay it any mind. Blurry is good at not letting bullies or anything get at him too badly, but he's particularly dismissive of this rumor because at the time he thought he really just didn't like anyone at all. (This holds true until he finds some girls in the library gushing over a GQ magazine and he soon realizes he is in fact, gay. He further proves this point when seeing Christian Slater in Heathers).

Going into high school, Blurry convinces himself he's probably going to be alone for the rest of his life, until one fateful day in freshman year, when at lunch, a guy hit Blurry in the back with an apple core. The kid was one of Blurry's old teammates, who then ever-so-adoringly called him a slur. Blurry got pissed, stood up, went over to the other kid and knocked him in the face with enough force that the dude fell into the table and regretted his word choice. Blurry basically told him to fuck off then and then went back to his lonely seat, until a few minutes later, a girl showed up and demanded he come sit with her friends. This girl was Crimson, and Blurry initially said no, but Crimson was persistent and ended up dragging him to the friend group's table after promising they would keep him from being harassed.

Blurry never considered anyone in the group to truly be his friend, but he sucked it up for the mere purpose of being able to make Caroline happy to think he actually made friends. She allowed him to tag along with them everywhere, but he barely ever spoke and just considered himself background noise. He always liked Crimson the most out of everyone, and then Hurricane the least. They liked him because he helped with their homework, and once he got his license in the middle of sophomore year, could drive everyone places. He made sure to keep Snapchat streaks with everyone and eventually became a target for random girls to take a liking towards him, which he rarely ever paid any attention to.

By the time sophomore year came around, Blurry was beginning to increasingly struggle with his mental health, as things openly got rocky between Caroline and Vess and for a while he had the irrational fear that Caroline may leave the family, which was his worst fear at the time. He became even more silent in school and suddenly became hyperaware of how insignificant he was amongst his friends and his own family. He couldn't see himself getting anywhere in life and couldn't see much of a point.

Spooky joined the friend group around this time, but Blurry didn't exactly pay him any attention outside of their first interaction where Spooky accidentally told Blurry he was attractive in reference to the whole group and Blurry found it a little bit funny.

However, Blurry's mental health continued to decline at a rapid pace until he was at rock bottom around the beginning of November. He made an attempt in the middle of the night one night, but was heard and stopped by Caroline. Because they couldn't find or pay for insurance to cover therapy, Caroline became a temporary therapist for a while and made Blurry stay home the following week to try and give him space to let his mind recover. Caroline suggested that Blurry maybe change schools, but the idea was shot down by Blurry being insistent that he couldn't tolerate other people and also with the distance conflicting with Caroline's work schedule.

Blurry returned a week later to an astonished and worried group, who were split on their opinions on what happened. Hurricane and Devotee suggested more sinister conspiracies whereas Crimson and Spooky assumed he was sick with the flu or something. Blurry didn't answer their texts while he was absent and refused to give them answers and was his normal rude self, but the group didn't exactly take to this kindly. Crimson had a gut feeling something terrible had happened, so excused his behavior, but Spooky was furious at Blurry for it, and in turn, Devotee was mad at Spooky and Blurry and Crimson for causing a divide in the group.

This started Blurry and Spooky's foul relationship with each other. Blurry was pissed that Spooky was so insistent that he open up and share, even though Spooky didn't even know Blurry, whereas Spooky was doing it out of sheer worry and a hidden frustration that he wouldn't be able to get to know Blurry. That, and the fact that Blurry was making the group upset, which Spooky didn't appreciate either. Most of the arguments happened over texting, but some of it translated into their school days. Eventually things got so rough that a small fight did occur, but it didn't go anywhere, as Spooky let up after Blurry cracked his nose. Neither of them apologized, but a few days later after the group requested it, they made a mutual agreement not to fight anymore, but that didn't stop them from still being very tense and making snarky comments towards each other. Spooky was left on a constant edge and overcome with unrest after everything, and Blurry felt somewhat remorseful after Caroline scolded him. By the end of sophomore year, they began to ease up and become more passive with each other, and by the summer they hadn't argued in a while. They had plenty of tame interactions over the summer, so by the time the new school year started, there wasn't much worry. However, they never really talked things out, which led Spooky to believe Blurry still had issues with him even though Blurry didn't care anymore.

This is where the first book starts.

College Years

Blurry attended college at a nearby public school, Asher State University. Originally, as a senior in hgh school he didn't have plans to go to school, but he did have plans to move in with his boyfriend, so in the summer after they graduated, they moved into a cheap apartment building near campus. Spooky was starting school that fall semester, and Blurry was still on the edge about going to school at all. However, being in a lonely apartment when Spooky was constantly in class or going out to college events with friends that weren't exactly up Blurry's alley, he began to develop attachment anxiety and started to go stir crazy and uncertain about what he even wanted to do with his future. Spooky encouraged him to go to college with him, out of worry for Blurry's mental state and a longing to have Blurry at school with him. Blurry eventually decided this was the right path to take and eventually applied for admission into ASU's spring semester, where he was accepted into their English program.

College changed Blurry rather dramatically. He found that he enjoyed being around new people, a luxury he didn't have in grade school, and he found the freedoms of college to be fun. He felt happier and safer with Spooky arund a lot more and got more involved with the stereotypical college life: parties, mixers, school spirit and all. Spooky and Crimson eventually start their band endeavors, which Blurry helps with behind the scenes, writing wise, and he exceeds academically which sets him up to feel more prideful about himself. He joins his school's acapella group with Crimson, and even attends sporting events due to Crim as well. Gymnastics meets because Crimson's new girlfriend is a star gymnast, and football games because said girlfriend's best friend is on the school's popular and rising football team.

Blurry ended up leaving college a new man, with more aspirations for the future and a more sociable personality, overall: a good change. It gifted him with a reformed friend group and an even stronger relationship with Spooky, confident in their future life together and their goals.

Daybreak and Beyond


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Crimson and Spooky immediately follow up their college years with a heavy commitment to their band, Daybreak. After slews of successful college gigs with a handful of dedicated local fans, they set out with a small crew to hopefully expand things. After releasing their first full album and going on a small yet pricy tour which puts their asperations in a rocky situation, they get signed, and immediately have a surprise radio hit. Blurry is behind the scenes during all of this. He lends his poetic writing talents and past journal entries and notes towards the band's songs and lends his vocal talents towards helping Crimson figure out melodies to use. Spooky gifted him with a bass on his eighteenth birthday, and after years of practice, Blurry realizes he can help out with that, too. Nevertheless, he refuses to be an official member of he band, hoping Crimson and Spooky can take the full spotlight they deserve.

When their second album is released and Daybreak only gains popularity, a slight controversy builds over Blurry's head. Many accuse Daybreak of being inauthentic compared to what people thought because a mysterious person was being given songwriting credits and due to his name not being in the industry, nobody could find out who Blurryface was. He was dubbed as a ghostwriter. Spooky eventually came to the light and revealed that Blurry was actually his boyfriend, and that the band had truly been a three-person effort and 100% original the whole way through. The band's fanbase immediately was attached to Blurry online, and began to include them in their small stan culture.

While the ghostwriter controversy loomed, the band was on their first small international tour; a six-month endeavor that left Blurry in shreds emotionally. He began to feel that same pre-college anxiety and struggled to figure out what to do with himself while his boyfriend and best friend were away having once in a lifetime experiences. He began to overthink small things, like events the two were going to or if they were safe or if they had forgotten about their loved ones at home. Luckily though, Blurry wasn't alone on this, as Crimson's girlfriend, Genesis, was also in the same boat as him. Thy navigated their lonliness together and became extremely close friends, however time spent together was limited due to Genesis being an elite national gymnast. Blurry began a YouTube channel to document his lone adventures, which gained a small following by the Daybreak fanbase, which boosted his charisma and confidence a little more. Eventually though, six months into the seven-month tour, when Daybreak had made their way back to the US in San Fransisco, Blurry booked a red eye flight and surprised Spooky with a stay that would last the rest of tour and greatly help his mental health.

Daybreak exploded in mainstream bliss when their third album, Esoteric, released, which therefore blew the fanbase up along with Blurry's rising popularity too. The fanbase gave Blurry so much attention that he was brought along on tour as a touring member, and was invited to every single one of the band's engagements. He continued his YouTube channel and made an effort along with Spooky and Crimson to put focus towards lots of charities and organizations to help people, which only gave them more credit amongst the public. Blurry began taking solo interviews at awards shows and accepting awards on behalf of the band as their primary songwriter, and even released his own solo album which he played secret shows for, with the attendance being more dedicated Daybreak fans. Daybreak became especially popular with both Crimson and Spooky and their partners all being queer, which allowed Blurry to speak out on issues regarding that which eventually landed him on the cover of Vogue Magazine.



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