


2 years, 8 months ago


the little home for possessed and supernatural dolls report: 

.ONE:Bully the bull play pretend doll

.energy levels:(unknown (low?))

.was discovered to have sentience and movement through infusion 

.speech: positive (with aid? hasn't spoken often)

.movement:difficult (hasn't moved often and seemed to need assistance)


.seems to have awakened very recently although he has memory from many years ago

.personality: single, sentient individual with scattered but linear memories. he was and perhaps still is an empath, who was able to sense the intense emotions of children. 

.entry and first questioning: individual expressed shock that they could move and speak (with an aid). explained their first memory was when they felt new and still couldn't move. they could see a child and feel intense joy. he wished to see her again , to apologize.

.bully feels as though what happened when he still couldn't move or vocalize but could see and feel, was his fault and suffers from depression and self hatred. often referring to himself in religious references to evil. 

Treatment plan : energy infusion. children therapy, refurbishment (for large cut on leg seam and floppy tail) talk therapy

Suggestions: skeleton surgery (for better movement) and physical therapy(same reason)

he has requested access to religious accountments.

this rare bully bull doll was found in an abandoned church daycare. this toy has a rather complicated , patchy past. it was advertised as a good christian toy to help very young children learn about evil in a more light way. being able to explore the idea of a mean character in their play. bully the bull may be mean in play pretend, but that doesn't mean he is bad. just misunderstood. 

This is great and all but this toy has a reputation for being used outside of its advertised use. yes bully is just misunderstood , and needs help from you and god. staff would use this toy to burn the fear of sin into toddlers. or make them believe that outsiders are evil by portraying bully as an atheist . this bully doll is covered with rips and tears and stitches and patches and probably many children's tears. it is burned into the memories of many as a symbol of controversy and religious trauma. but is is not bully's fault. bully is not bad. 

looking for strong willed, positive,children who would be willing to show him this, or any adults who remember going to the perfect children daycare , particularly "a girl,with reddish blond hair and green eyes".