


2 years, 9 months ago


No slacking.

A quiet man, still keeping his training up diligently, though his years of being a soldier have long passed. As a human, he was one of Viturias’ closest guards, but he never quite forgave him for turning him into a vampire in an act of selfishness. Centuries passed, before he could even stomach being in the same room as the man.
Still, though his hatred burned him from the inside, his loyalty was unfortunately stronger—he couldn’t leave Viturias, damn him for it.

These days, he mellowed out somewhat, but he’s still more surly than friendly, always like a cornered wolf. There are moments where he can be very gentle, but it takes a special kind of person to win his trust.



Antenor is very grim and severe, as strict on himself as he is on others. He is clumsy when it comes to conversations, often failing to soften the blow of his bluntness and thus coming across as critizing even when that wasn't his intention. People that are close to him know not to look for any hidden meanings to his words or signs of passive aggessiveness; there aren't any. He is loyal to a fault, always willing to help those around him if they are in need, no matter how upset he is with them. Despite this, he is no pushover and has no issues letting others know that he's still angry, like a disappointed father begrudgingly supporting his rebellious child because it is his duty.


His family’s founding myth claimed that a long time ago, the first queen of Venedalia showed mercy to a bandit who had attacked her. To prove his gratitude, he made an oath to the Gods that he would defend her from all her enemies. Ever since then, Antenor’s family had been responsible for the protection of the Venedalian royalty.  
Antenor had grown up with the knowledge that the prince he was sworn to protect would one day die for a prophecy and there was nothing he could do about it. It was something that never ceased to disquiet him and only grew worse when Viturias started running out of time. He would lay awake in his tent, unable to reconcile with his reality.
I will have to stand by and watch him die.
It was antithesis of everything he had been taught—was he even capable of letting him go?
The only comfort he had was knowing that when all of this was over, he would be able to go home to his wife.
He was wrong.

Turning Point

“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you leave my side. If I have to suffer, I won’t do it on my own,” the creature wearing the face of his friend told him. “Please, just hate me.”
Antenor was a stoic through and through, a man who could face any hardship without shedding a tear. In life, sentimentality had never served a purpose, so he had done away with it, taking any feeling of sadness apart and reforming it into anger by sheer force and obstinacy.
But that life was draining away from him, and Antenor was not above breaking like any other man.
His way of crying was as artless as everything else about him; it was violent and messy, harsh sobs that couldn’t be silenced and tremors in his whole body.  
He dug his nails into the bite mark on his neck and grieved then, for everything. His wife that he would never get to see again, the son that would grow up without a father, and the friend that was standing above him, watching his struggle without a shred of remorse.
Ahh, Viturias, what cruel thing have you been turned into? When the Gods took away your sunlight, your warmth disappeared with it.
As if sensing his thoughts, the man—abomination—knelt down and leaned towards him. Any other time, Antenor might not have been proud of the way he flinched away from him, but pride was the furthest thing from his mind right now.
The vice grip he had expected never came. Instead, something soft touched his face and it took a moment for his brain to catch up to the bizarre vision of Viturias wiping Antenor’s snot away with his own princely cloak. The movements were strangely stiff and automatic, an old instinct re-awakened but still rusty with disuse. Antenor had no idea whom he had taken care of like this before, but it certainly hadn’t been him.
The confusion he felt was mirrored by Viturias’ expression. A monster bewildered by its last shred of humanity, perhaps.
He wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Wanted, but couldn’t, he was too drained. When had he stopped crying anyway? It was so cold…  
You asked me to hate you, Your Highness. Then, as your loyal servant, I will obey.
That was the last thought he would ever have as a human.


Viturias' Right Hand

As the strongest apart from his sire, Antenor is responsible for the clan's safety, a task he takes very seriously.

A part of him was relieved when Viturias survived the prophecy, but that part died quickly. He doesn't hate him as much as he used to, but they have not officially reconciled.

A good friend. While he wishes he hadn't become a vampire so carelessly, he supposes that at least this means they are more equal now.

His descendant. He has only met him once and Anthem had no idea who he was. He wishes he could have been able to train him, the boy's footwork isn't what it should be.

  • Got turned into a vampire when he was 27 years old.
  • Spent the first few months of vampirism angrily destroying furniture to keep himself from attacking Viturias. Eventually, he managed to control his impulses, but he never stopped avoiding his sire whenever possible.
  • His opinions on people tend to be rather strong. He either really hates someone or really likes someone.
  • Doesn't laugh or smile very often. It's uncertain whether he genuinely has no sense of humor or whether it's so specific that no one has been able to match it yet.
  • A sadist, even platonically. He's known to be a little too rough when sparring with someone, and if he likes a blood donor especially he will bite inconvenient places, like the back of their knee, because then they will feel it whenever they move. It's a weird way of showing affection.
  • He is popular among some of the servants, who admire him from afar and like to watch him work out, but he's unsure what to make of it. Their giggling is a little distracting and why do they squeal when he glares their way because of it? Get back to work!
  • It's been so long, that he doesn't remember what his wife's face looked like. It hurts him.
  • He beats up the monsters living in the nearby forest regularly, to the point where they are very intimidated by him and refuse to come closer to the castle. Their fear is very ironic considering that they themselves aren't any nicer towards the humans who get lost in their territory. He's the boss and everyone besides him knows it.
  • Works for Cassandra's business in modern times.

: Sparring, training others, femininity.

: Negligence, immorality, boredom.