Marie-Louise viceroy



2 years, 9 months ago



 Marie-Louise viceroy 




 Cis woman 


 CEO of semi popular fashion co. 




 New York 


  • Fashion
  • Trying new things
  • Weird people
  • Sour foods

  • Conformity
  • Needles
  • Her ex (Bernard)
  • People touching/grabbing glasses w/out permission

  • Smokes but not often (she just thinks it looks cool)
  • Her shade's are obsidian lenses!
  • Absolutely feral as a child (lowkey still is)
  • Can and WILL smother loved ones with gifts










  • Outgoing
  • Confidant
  • Playful
  • Methodical

  • Meddlesome
  • Impulsive
  • Overachiever
  • Airy

A highly eccentric and kind woman who seems to never be angry and speaks her mind. Always with a flamboyant and adventurous attitude and can be very snarky and slightly airheaded at times.

She always accepts everyone with open arms and highly values being out of the ordinary. She always wears glasses that make it impossible to see her eyes, her taking them off around someone is a sign of high trust or affection. She is also a very huge trouble maker and scamp and is not above lighthearted mischief and being a silly goose, she also has high personal morals and is willing to bend rules and break kneecaps if she deems it necessary as justice.

She seems to always have a spontaneous idea in mind and loves trying new stunts and has a habit of saying/doing things that surprise other people constantly, mostly just by speaking her mind and calling out behavior.



Born in Paris along with her older twin brothers, she was meant to be put up for adoption due to their horrible parents only wanting boys, so her brothers ran away to America where they couldn't be found. The trio struggled for a while but henry managed to get a place for them all down south.


Growing up, Marie was highly rebellious, feral, and crafty, managing to steal super easily; soon people started to easily recognize Marie so she decided to make disguises, sparking her love for designing clothes. Over time, she started to sell her designs which started becoming popular, leading her to join a fashion company and then working up to CEO and her brand becoming decently known in France. During which she met her now shitty ex boyfriend Bernard when she was roughly in her mid twenties, after a messy breakup she changed her look to her current style and has learned when to spot leeches easier.


She currently collaborates with henry to sell her clothes and stays in high-end new york, spending her days with brewing new ideas for her work/just for fun, spending time with her friends, and smothering her family with gifts whenever she can.


Henry  Older brother

She was taken care of by him more than Harold and has gotten along with him more, She trusts him more with her more chaotic antics and overall vibes with him well and cares for him a lot.

Harold  Older brother

While he also did his best to help, his cautious nature clashed with her adventurous and impulsive antics. Despite this she's unfazed usually and loves to mess around with him (affectionately) and cares about him deeply.

Bernard  Ex-Boyfriend

She met him at a party when they were around mid 20s and was flattered from his charm, eventually she agreed to a date and then becoming a couple. During which she genuinely loved him, though she didn't fully trust him with removing her glasses yet, eventually noticing him becoming distant as time went on. She then found out he was cheating on her and even using all the gifts she gave him on the other women, thus choosing to break up with him with a broken heart. Unfortunately he did not take it kindly and tried to retaliate, leaving her brothers to put him in his place. Now she despises him and is passive aggressive anytime she sees him.


  • Main colors shes attributed to is black and gold!
  • Wears her shades nearly 24/7! she doesn't like direct eye contact much with people she isn't comfy with
  • Wears a lot of suit type stuff but also loves dresses! she wears heels alot too
  • Laughs a bit like sardonyx from SU :3

 OFFERS  Never 


 SHIPS  Has a canon ship (for fun- ask)