Care Woman



2 years, 8 months ago


Care Woman

Built to provide mental healthcare. She works well with people who struggle to interact with other humans.
"How are you feeling today?"
Good listener
Easily saddened

she/they, demigirl, lesbian

Care is a psychologist and psychiatrist who specialises in cases that make opening up to human specialists inherently difficult, such as certain forms of neurodivergence or trauma, based on the idea that a robot might feel less threatening to communicate with. The idea behind them was very experimental, but results so far are promising. Being a Robot Master makes her especially suited to her job - as a computer, she can perfectly remember small details and compare them against up-to-date diagnostic criteria for a minimal chance of misdiagnosis or accidentally setting off triggers, but their humanlike appearance and personality make for a more welcoming experience than simply plugging symptoms into a database. While it isn't officially part of her duties, Care is willing to extend their services to fellow Robot Masters, for whom mental health services can be difficult to access.

Being literally designed as a calming presence, Care is soft-spoken, patient, and considerate of others' feelings, with a good sense of humour and enthusiasm behind her level-headed exterior. They're programmed with a particularly acute sense of empathy, which makes them good at navigating people's feelings and saying the right thing at the right time, although she's easily stressed out and dwells on negative experiences as a result. She often tries to connect with clients through their interests and has consumed her fair share of fiction, which quickly evolved into a personal fascination with cinematography and narrative tropes. They're partial to character-driven stories with happy endings, but they'll gladly indulge in any genre except for horror and tragedy, which are too stressful for her liking.

Healthcare - As a psychologist, Care is a licensed medical professional, and is well-trained in first aid and identifying physical symptoms in addition to their expertise in mental health.
Speakers - Care has built-in speakers that she can play music or other sounds through for patients who find it calming. Under Wily's control, these are temporarily upgraded to produce sounds harsh enough to interfere with machinery.

Notable Relationships
Dr. LaLinde - Creator.
Tempo and Vesper Woman - Sisters. While Care is chronologically the youngest, they're by far the most mature and responsible of the three. Tempo periodically checks in with Care to discuss her emotional redevelopment.
Rhythm Man - Has reached out to Care about his issues.
Cool Woman - Eventual girlfriend. Care admires her positive outlook on life and her unwavering strength and kindness.
Glass Man - Close friend. They exchange book recommendations and, under Wily, appreciate a break from the usual intensity of the other SDNs.

Weak to Hex Ace's Eerie Pulsar, as the weapon's creepy nature freaks them out in addition to completely overwhelming her relatively unshielded circuitry. Defeating them gives Rock access to Psychic Cry, a concentrated blast of white noise that stuns foes by scrambling their auditory processors, which is Rhythm Man's weakness.