Hex Ace



2 years, 8 months ago


Hex Ace

A repair worker for space stations. They have their own electromagnetic field to hold them together in zero gravity.
"Boo! Hah, I got you!"
Practical joke

any pronouns, agender
160cm/5'3 when standing upright

Hex services and repairs space stations and other satellites, usually but not always in Earth's orbit. The only completely solid parts of his body are his forelimbs, torso, and headpiece, the rest being a visual projection of a personal electromagnetic field holding her together. This unique design makes them well suited to working in space, as they have no trouble adjusting to different levels of gravity or re-orienting themselves on the fly. However, the field is fragile, and any strong disruptions such as coming into contact with electricity or magnets can cause her to short out or fall apart. In addition to his unique build, she's extraordinary gifted with mechanics, and rarely struggles to come up with an efficient and lasting solution for any mechanical issue they encounter.

While he has complicated feelings about their job, he genuinely loves building and fixing things, and has a number of 'frankengadget' projects back down on Earth cobbled together from discarded gameboys or lawnmower motors or festive light displays or whatever else she happens to find at scrapyards or in Light Labs' recycle bin. He might enjoy the work, but Hex gets agonisingly lonely out in space, and their abrasive personality stems from a desire for whatever attention they can get. She's snarky, sarcastic, and smug, with a love for pranks and practical jokes that are always physically harmless but can toe the line between friendly japes and outright harassment. Despite desperately craving connections, he has a bad habit of pushing away anyone who seems to be making friends with her; however, to anyone patient enough to sit with them through the panicked lashing out and instinctive meanness, Hex is a fiercely loyal and devoted friend.

Electromagnetic body - Hex's abnormal body is useful in a variety of ways. Gravity is no more than a suggestion to them, and all sorts of things that'd damage other Robot Masters simply pass through their intangible limbs.
EngineerĀ - Few machines can withstand Hex's mechanical expertise. Even if it's their first time seeing a machine, they have the knowledge and experience to crack it open and figure out how it works in no time.

Notable Relationships
Dr. Light - Creator.
Oil and Time Man - Brothers. Their dynamic may seem like nothing but aggressive banter and Hex and Oil teaming up to relentlessly bother Time, but they're all genuinely very close and care about each other deeply.
Limestone Ace [design and TH profile pending] - Sibling. Hex and Limestone were incredibly close before the latter's apparent death, which likely contributed to Hex's emotional issues significantly.
Drum - Equally snarky and prone to mischief, so the pair swing intensely between getting on great and getting on each other's nerves. Hex finds it especially rewarding to pry a reaction out from under Drum's disinterested facade.
Sweet Woman - Unlikely but inseparable friend. They simultaneously fix each other and make each other worse. Sweet's intense cheeriness and total lack of reaction to Hex's nastier moods prompt them to be kinder and more forgiving, if only to her.

Weak to Pixel Man's Pixel Firewall, as direct contact with the electric screens makes their magnetic field go haywire, and takes even more damage from their own weapon for similar reasons. Defeating them gives Rock access to Eerie Pulsar, a powerful EMP that can be charged from a small area of effect to a full screen nuke, which is Care Woman's weakness.