Pleione Vespera



6 years, 9 months ago


NAME: Pleione Vespera AGE: 500, but appears 25
SPECIES: Pegafluff BIRTHDAY: March
GENDER: Female HEIGHT: 5'10''


Pegafluff closed species by


As she watched her star flicker weakly, Pleione felt her headwings droop. Her star was no longer visible from Earth, and so humans would no longer be able to wish upon it. As she lost her purpose in the clouds, Pleione drifted down to Earth and sought shelter in a dark cave by the ocean. In the darkness, however, Pleione felt a presence, heard the swishing of a tail and the flapping of wings. She sprinkled some stardust in the cave to illuminate the unknown stranger, a frightened little fairy creature huddled in a corner of the cave.

RARE PEGAFLUFF | 24 ★ Rating

COMMON ★ | 5 Traits | 5 Stars
Single Pastel Horn color
Single Pastel Head Wing color
Single Eye Color
Long Cloud Tail
ONLY Sparkles in Tail

UN-COMMON ★★ | 2 Traits | 4 Stars
Drooping Head Wings
Rigid Uni Horn

RARE ★★★ | 3 Stars
Possible Floating Ring around Egg / Revive State**

ULTRA RARE ★★★★ | 3 Traits | 12 Stars
Crystal Egg / Revive State
Possible floating ring around tail*
Ultra Rare floating ring area
Ultra Rare floating ring design

Trait Calculator Exceptions
* Ring area's and design are cumulative, they go off the highest rarity ★ area and design (not counted in star/trait count)
** Egg ring doesn't count toward trait count if pegafluff already has floating rings (stars still count)


Species Info:

  • Pegafluffs are beings born in the clouds to oversee the stars. Pegafluffs are assigned to a star when they are born. When the star they are overlooking gets wished upon, their head wings glow. When the star they overlook no longer gets wished upon, their head wings being to droop. Pegafluffs live in "Cherebus" are most at home in the clouds and stars. There are some pegafluffs that enjoy living in caves where it is warm and quiet.
  • Pegafluffs have a long lifespan. They do not die; they revert back to a cloud puff with a single star inside and over time gather more star dust and come back to life. During this phase they have the ability to change color scheme due to the time of day they are reborn.
  • Pegafluffs have a sweet tooth and love fruits and candies. When found eating they are usually stuffing their faces with food. Pegafluffs are gentle, kind and love to socialize. Some pegafluffs are shy and take time to warm up to others. Each pegafluff has a different personality and color scheme which are usually determined by what time of day they are born.

Profile template by Uclia