Minako's Comments

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Do you think you'd ever consider other offers or only resale?

Yeah it shows on their trade listing that I’d look at usd or oc trades (but not art)

oops i read that wrong, thanks for the clarification! anyone here interest you? excluding the need coding folder

its okay nw! tho not rlly thanks for offering though !!

ty for looking!

Oo if you ever see anyone in my th for em <3

No not really sorry but ty!!

they’re so precious omg

tyy they are indeed precious <3

Do any characters except for the ones my forever homed folder interest you? You can choose multiple and I'll add as much art as you see fit. What a cutie

The TBD one caught my eye but im afraid i wouldnt use them!! 

I understand thank you for looking

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https://toyhou.se/8379505.-jay https://toyhou.se/5999839.-olivia-aestria- 

They interested me!! Though im more likely to want usd cause i wanna buy a knite chara! <33

Non caught my eye! 

Do you like anyone on my th or on @ / sprky? :D

I could do michelle! Nalli has alot of unuploaded art so shes worth quite a bit!

Ill highly keep in mind!! 

Anyone in my TH for them maybe?? <3

I could totally do Baby and Shiloh if you'd like! 

Ill keep you in mind highly!! 


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Also angel did too! 

Ello? <33?

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Id probably accept honeybee!! I absolutely adore them!! Ill hold that as a offer in high consideration<33

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Hey! I choose to take another offer!! <33 tysm for offering though! 

I honestly miss her a small bit, does anyone in Relupin_Masterlist (besides the relupin, should be the first folder that pops up) interest you?

Willow sorta did! 

I would do willow if you like them ^^

I'll highly consider!! <33

Chocochips hey! Im EO offers on her rn

Ooh alr! What are you mostly looking for them atm? <3

Usd and Ocs! <33 even art

How much usd possibly? or maybe someone in my ocs folder (tho there’s some offlimite)!

Her worth rn is 80$ at least (add-on art only) so idm what you offer USD wise! And ill lyk if any chars interest me

https://toyhou.se/14882513.tbn sorta caught my eye

Ah alr! I can do them and whats the minimum you’d take for usd? 

19 Replies