Kassidy “Kace” Carter



2 years, 9 months ago


...Thank you for your confession.
Kassidy 'Kace' Carter
25 Years Old
September 12th
American Pitbull Terrier
Interrogator / Cop (Law Enforcment)
Value - N/A
  • Helping Others
  • Protecting Good-Willed People
  • Doing Good
  • Diving Head-First Into Situations and Danger if it Means Saving People
  • Predators
  • Cults
  • Those Who Would Cause Harm to Anyone
  • Spike

Kace is a male American Pitbull Terrier who is quite fun, playful, and lovable. He's quite extroverted and enjoys making friends with people. But he tends to intimidate people who first meet him with his appearance alone. Although he isn't always all sweet and wholesome. He uses his appearance to help the local police department when it comes to Interrogating, which is his job. And he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if it means protecting people from those who cause harm. He heavily believes in the law and doing good for anyone who deserves it. He also volunteers at the local food bank, helping those who need food. When it comes to doing his job as an interrogator, he's usually able to quickly find out how to get someone to speak, whether its playing good cop or bad cop.

When he was young, he had strict parents who would constantly correct any bad behavior coming from him. Because of this, he grew up to be an overall good person. He attended private school, had friend groups, participated in various activities and sports, and had a good school career, gaining A+'s almost every time. He would also join debate clubs. When he became a teenager, he would hang out a lot with people who often got in trouble. Despite not being like that. One day, when he was hanging out with a friend of his, a guy approached them, shouting and yelling at his friend. After Kace attempted to pull his friend away from the situation, the guy pulled out a knife, lunging at Kace's friend. Kace, thinking quick, grabbed his friend's glass bottle he held and broke it, using it to stab the guy. Kace managed to get his friend away from thereafter, leaving the guy on the sidewalk bleeding. Thankfully, this was in the dead of night, so no one was around the area to watch. The next day, it was confirmed on the news that someone-- the same person from the night before-- was found dead on the street. This messed with Kace's mind a lot for years, feeling guilty. But he kept reminding himself that he was protecting his friend. Somewhere after that, he thought about being a cop when he realized that there are terrible people out there who would pick fights with others for no reason. He then devoted himself to training to become a cop, working out and heading to the gym regularly to help clear his mind and get physically fit. A few years later, he signed up to become an interrogator and started his career in the law enforcement field. Although over time, the guilt he felt before disappeared, as he was exposed to more life-threatening situations as a cop. His fascination with the law increased and he devoted himself to going good.

  • Kace usually lives off of protien powder, meat and gatorade.
  • He's almost always at the gym working out, as it helps clear his mind.
  • He is extremely commited to any relationship.
  • He can sometimes be ticked off if a criminal shows no remorse for their actions.
  • His parents never found out that he killed someone before he became a cop, but support him on his choice of joining the field.

Love Interest



Currently just a love interest, no moves made.




Friends. Safiya helped hire Kace into being an interrogator/cop, so he is grateful to her. And as friends, he vows revenge on whoever harmed her when she was kidnapped.

Relationship N/A


Name N/A
