


2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




Name: Shun

Age: 17-19


  • Typhlosion (Rage)
  • Furret (Nostalgia)
  • Lapras (Isla)
  • Dragonair (Kaida)
  • Espeon (Astra)
  • Crobat (Phobia)
  • Gyarados (Pez)
  • Graveler (Dwain Jhonson)
  • Arbok (Salazar)
  • Gastly (Depresion)
  • Butterfree (Dysphoria)
  • Sandslash (Happy)


Shun family was a Cindaquil rising farm. They specialized in breeding and rising strong and powerful Cindaquil for inexperienced trainers, rising some up to becoming Thyplosion so they could work as guards in different establishments around the Jhoto region. He grew from a very young age surrounded by Cindaquils, Quilava and Thyplosions and, after constant begging, his parents finally allowed him to chose one Cindaquil for himself when he was 8. It was a small little thing that fitted in his arms and, in his tiny brain of 8 years old, he named the Cindaquil: RAGE the DESTROYER OF WORLDS. Or just Rage for the pals.

Shun, being the hyper kid he was, always got out of his house and would run into the tall grass and sneak into the trees around the farm. Even when his parents told him to not do that, as most wild pokemons tend to attack people, Shun liked to play around with his cindaquil to hide and seek. It was during one of those days, during one of his hiding games, that a storm started blowing. Sooner than later Shun was in the middle of a dark forest, hugging Rage while shivering and scared. Shun wanted to go home and didn’t know how.

Suddenly a thunder appeared from the sky and the legendary Tiger pokemon Raikou, who encouraged him to walk back to the main path towards his home, scaring other pokemons away and keeping the kid and his pokemon safe until they could go back to their home.

At age 12 Shun tried to go his first gym route. He got up to the second town before he found a pokemon that was hurt and needed physical therapy. So, he stopped his travel to go back home to cure the pokemon. It happened the same when he was 15, getting up to the third town before he had to go back home due to a new pokemon that he found hurt and in need of help. At 16 the same thing happened.

Finally, when he was 17 he was able to leave home and finish his pokemon adventure, finishing all the challenges and becoming champion on the pokemon league.


  • Calm
  • Collected
  • Bored
  • Kind
  • Very protective of his team