Pekoe (milqilin)



1 year, 3 months ago


Let violence into your heart.

full name pekoe licorne
aliases ko, boss
pronouns he/him
gender genderfluid
age ancient
birthday 08/24
species uniccilin
occupation line cook

A deeply weird man with an unholy love of tea, Pekoe is hardly what comes to mind when you think of the noble, magical uniccilin. He's a little too loud, a little too weird, a little too... fat... He's aware of this disconnect as well, he simply does not care all too much about other's view of himself. Besides, you have no idea how hard he worked to get here in the first place! As far as he's concerned, he's earned the right to sleep forever, now. Zzzz....


P ekoe has terrible RBF, paired with his size and his tendency to be both loud and very awkward, he can come off as quite intimidating on first blush. In truth, however, he is actually quite nice, happy to strike up conversation with strangers and usually willing to help someone out. He can be quite sarcastic and often says things without thinking them fully through. This, paired with the autism that makes it difficult to pick up on social cues, can make him an asshole at times. Sometimes it is on purpose, but he usually means well.

If provided with an inch, I simply must take a mile.


lackluster beginnings

Pekoe was born an arccilin in the northern mountains, in a small, remote town. His mother worked as a forester, so much of his childhood was spent in forests and amongst the trees. From a young age, he had felt tied to the earth - without much to do or many friends to speak of, all he could really do was wander through the woods, playing with sticks and climbing trees, following trails and creating his own intricate storylines for the forests. It was honestly hard to feel bored within the woods - it was a giant organism, always shifting and turning and changing itself. It always drew him back out, sun or snow, deeper into the trees.

Perhaps it was just an escape from the brutality of his peers - his oddities and strange behaviours were enough to get diagnosed with autism at a very young age. Most of his childhood was spent unironically alone - wandering the playground by himself, hanging out in the trees, watching the kids on the playground having fun together. If he was invited to join, it was usually as the fall guy - someone to target and scapegoat while everyone else ran off and had fun together. He wasn't stupid enough to try forever - eventually he would get the hint and return to his trees, the only things that really understood him.

mediocre plans

He never believed it, whenever his mother would assure him, but he would be damned, highschool was indeed better. Somehow, like magic, almost immediately he found people to connect with, becoming thick as thieves in no time. He went from desperately alone to having a tightknit circle of friends within a year, never looking back afterwards. Not to say that highschool was easy - it was still as shit as you'd imagine, but the company made it much more bearable.

Before he even made it into highschool, a college student had warned him that he should know what it was he wanted to do by Grade 10. Having not even entered highschool yet, this seemed manageable. Pekoe found himself at graduation, standing at the front of the auditorium, GD in hand, and still not a single damn clue where to go from here. He took a gap year, working in a kitchen for minimum wage, wracking his brain for what he could possibly do for a living. What to do, what to do... Hey, isn't the goddess taking helpers? And her helpers receive blessings that turn them into unicorns... his favourite animal! That's a good enough life goal, right? He was off before he could think about it too hard.

a better purpose

The Goddess was, well, perhaps unsurprisingly, upon reflection, shockingly kind and dazzlingly beautiful. Pekoe quickly found himself working tirelessly as one of her servants - miles from home in an expansive meadow with not enough trees and definitely NOT enough mountains for him to feel comfortable, but this was the only goal he ever had, and he was determined to achieve it. Besides, it was nice - working hard with his hands, doing a good job, he loved being busy and feeling useful. All the drama and exclusion of his youth seemed to wash away as well - he went from being a hated outcast to suddenly being able to get along with anyone overnight. He and the other milqilin at the Goddess' temple got on swimmingly - even able to work easily with the grumpier of her divine servants. It was strange - but he wasn't complaining! The Goddess praised him as one of her best servants and he shined with pride, before she finally blessed him. A white light enveloped him, leaving behind a fluffy tail, and a new, radiant horn. Finally... all his hard work had paid off. And he didn't mind being here - he really enjoyed the work. Maybe he had finally found his place...


After a few days of frantic searching and prayer, the uniccilin of the temple concluded that she was well and truly gone. Half immediately packed their things and headed out, determined to find her, or to protect her people in her absence. The other half remained, determined that maintaining her temple would bring her back. Pekoe joined the third group - uniccilin who were so distraught, that they simply fell asleep, hoping that she would awaken them on her glorious return.

a weak return

The light must have been extra blinding that day - maybe a door had been opened, or a curtain drawn. The uniccilin got up, blinking the sleep out of their eyes.

"What year is it?"

The temple was empty as ever. A few uniccilin who had seasonally returned to keep up maintenance greeted the awoken uniccilin, brewing tea and coffee, and catching them up on all they had missed. Society had changed quite a bit since they had fallen asleep - technology was abound. The world had gotten infinitely better, and infinitely worse. Most had abandoned hope their goddess would ever return. A few uniccilin who had woken up with Pekoe packed their bags, they wanted to return to civilization. Pekoe fretted for a while, before deciding it would be better to leave than to wallow. Besides, he had seen what some of the awake stragglers were like - that sort of devotion can't be healthy. He packed his bags and followed them to a brand new city, large and varied, that he had only heard of from stories in his youth.

The city was large and beautiful. He loved it so much. He fit in so well and finally felt at home. If only the city had loved him back, though.

Turns out, he did not have much in the way of a resume and credentials. Despite his extensive work experience as one of the Goddess' chosen - with the fucking horn to show for it!! - the only work that would take him in was the kitchens he had come from. With a heavy sigh, he cut a hole in the chef's hat. You know. For the fucking horn.

Despite all that, he still enjoyed working with food. Standing in the kitchen at 6am, making salads, however... he felt he truly understood why the Goddess had decided to leave.

  • always wearing a choker and either gloves or longsleeves!! if you draw him without I will feel weird :((
  • overweight, has a tummy, thick legs and slightly flabby arms. D cup, front and back-
    • somehow still an hourglass though!!
  • very broad shoulders
  • hair can be worn up (like Sokka from ATLA) or down
  • stands and sits in odd ways - does not look comfortable, but he doesn't seem to mind
  • lifestyle punk, but he also enjoys streetwear and fairy kei

  • has the autisms and the adhd
  • very echolalic. also loves chewing and drumming. suffers from adhd zoomies
  • loves baking and is pretty good at it. unfortunately this has made him conversely shit at cooking
  • highest intelligence is musical, despite the fact that his gross motor control is too poor to play any instruments. as a result, he just has a really good memory for song lyrics
  • used to be super underweight as a kid, but the metabolism slowed down, whoops!


sheep, dog & wolf

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