๐ŸƒŸ | The Disproven Lads



2 years, 9 months ago



The phlogiston theory is a superseded scientific theory that postulated the existence of a fire-like element called phlogiston contained within combustible bodies and released during combustion. The idea was first proposed in 1667 by Johann Joachim Becher and later put together more formally by Georg Ernst Stahl. Phlogiston theory attempted to explain chemical processes of weight increase such as combustion and rusting, now collectively known as oxidation.

Design notes

  • 169 cm tall
  • Knees and down are pure fire. He's hair is not fire, but may be on fire.
  • Red markings are a must!
  • Cannot wear pants, socks, shoes.
  • Nicely defined muscles, but not overly buff.

Wardrobe notes

  • Wears loose hoodies and fancy underwear.
  • Readily wears any and all meme-y torso clothing.
  • He can't wear anything else so...


  • Grey fields and subtle hills.
  • uhh... their house, that I've designed in minecraft, but have posted no pictures of...

Fiery, passionate, Hyper, though also very much a care taker and enjoys teaching people. He almost only shouts, but can be quiet when the atmosphere calls for it. (This is not during a movie, or suspensful moment.)

He's most happy when he's in open fields with his partners and friends close behind. (Probably running away from a massive fire he started.)


  • Always has at least one box of matches on his person... Ignoring that he can control fire
  • A casual gamer. Likes pokemon, animal crossing, stardew valley.
  • Phlogiston hand-built the log house they live in, in Limbo. (Please ignore hand-prints)
  • They do not talk about the time Crypto and Phlo decided to play baseball with a grenade.
  • The only two cooking shows he and Phlogiston can agree on are Bake Off, and Good Eats.
  • Aether and Phlo are almost always cuddled together reading or softly kissing, and it's so cute the other two struggle to not jump them.
  • Developed in 1667, Phlogiston was disproved in the 1770s, the earliest of the group.


A young idol in the science world, Phlogiston was quickly tested by many scientists of varying backgrounds. Very shortly after he was theorised, Aether joined Phlogiston at the top of the scientific queries of the time.

Experimental Work

Phlo doesn't really remember how they met Vital and Crypto. Probably through an experiment on them, or a new hypothesis. It doesn't matter though, because Phlo finally had someone to have fun with and a partner in the kitchen. And Aether came out of his shell around Vital and Crypto too, which was just perfect~ Phlo has never been more happy than when the four of them are cuddled together after a warm meal cooked by him and Vital. (Well, there was the time he and Crypto decided to play catch with fireworks, but cuddling was a close second!!)


Despite all those who wanted to believe in him and make the theory work, Phlogiston was finally disproved in the 1770s and sucked into Limbo, alone. He had no one to look after, no one to cook with, No one to cook for. Every part of him was in still in their world, and while Crypto was somehow sending him letters, there was no substitute for their real presence.

So, Phlogiston spent his years alone in limbo building things and making the home they currently share together. However, he did nothing to the garden bed he prepared nor picked an animal to keep in the pen he built. He couldnโ€™t play baseball alone either, but he still drew out a court for it. Even the massive fire pit he built in the main room remained unused.

Others Disproved

When Aether finally joined him in Limbo, Phlogiston lit a fire in every room of the very big, very empty, log cottage he built. Aether's mood immediately lifted and Phlo responded with extra delicious roasts and endless kisses. It was so good to hold someone in his arms again.

Phlo's kitchen buddy quickly made his reappearance after Aether and the world started turning again. Phlo was still missing his devious side, but he had someone to argue with about the seasonings, and there was always an after-dinner treat to look forward to. The garden and animal pens he built all those years ago finally held life too.

Phlo gained his spark back, once Crypto sauntered into Limbo. (The grenade against his baseball bat probably helped.) They was no longer a need to go hunting or shopping in a different world for food, they had an infinite storage shed and while Vital stole Crypto from Aether and Phlo for almost a week upon his return, he was here, and that's what mattered.

Aether Boyfriend

The two of them are always so soft with each other. Phlo keeping Aether warm and giving him support to come out of his depressive moods with cuddles and kisses. Sometimes (surprisingly) there are no words between them for the whole day, but they spend it in constant contact with each other. In bed together, Aether and Phlo take the term 'love-making' to a whole new level of emotional worshipping.

Vitalism Boyfriend

Both Vital and Phlo like to cook for their boyfriends, Phlo does the meals, and Vital takes care of the sweet treats, though they do argue over what cooking shows to watch. They also argue over the size of the indoor lawn fire. (But Phlo keeps it small, and Vital keeps giving him wood.) As these two have the highest libido of the quouple, they often end up with each other, fighting in the sheets as well.

Cryptoexplosion Boyfriend

Crypto and Phlo often get up into stupid shit, like: making a bonfire out of fireworks, using fireworks as balls in baseball, using a rocket launcher to fire random stuff at each other. But they also love playing games together, pokemon and other RPGs especially. Although ironically, Phlo is the one Crypto goes to when he wants something less intense in the bedroom.

Kaito Cuddle Buddy

Phlogiston is Kaito's personal heater, and walking lounge, they rarely part if it's not too warm around another fire. Kaito also tutors Phlogiston in his games, trying to get him to be more competitive. (It is also possible that Phlogiston was created by Kaito's imagination, just as much as their scientific community. They share a very parent/child bond.)

Kyou Rival

Kyou and Phlo have an unusual rivalry: each of them want to hoard Kaito for themselves. Most of the time Kyou lets Phlo has his way because her and Kaito live together after all, but if their visit stretches out, Kyou will start bugging Kaito for attention, and Phlo will still be trying to keep the blonde in his arms. Sometimes it gets very loud when this happens.


Phlo is so cool, he is actual fire, and that's awesome. He also makes the best stews and breads. (He's yakiniku is fun too!) Phlo is willing to be their painting more often than not, and that's something they don't get often. And Phlo makes Kai-maa happy and that's important.


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Art Content Blood โœ”
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Designer Tachibana-Mizuko
Acquistion Created
Trade Status NEVER
Last Redesign 14 Dec 2020
Creation ~2015


  • Costs are the amount paid at the time.
  • All costs are in USD.
  • Last Updated: --
Artist Type Value Received as Date
@username Reference (3x Fullbodies) $00.00 Commission 11 Jan 2020
"Ae! Sit with me by the fire!"

Full name ฯ†ฮปฮฟฮณฮนฯƒฯ„ฯŒฮฝ
Latinised Phlogiston
Species Elemental
Age +350
Sex Male
Gender Male
Orientation Demisexual
Occupation Retired Theory
Residence Limbo


Luminiferous aether, or ether, was the postulated medium for the propagation of light. It was invoked to explain the ability of the apparently wave-based light to propagate through empty space (a vacuum), something that waves should not be able to do. The assumption of a spatial plenum of luminiferous aether, rather than a spatial vacuum, provided the theoretical medium that was required by wave theories of light.

Design notes

  • 162 cm tall, smallest of the theories.
  • The galaxies of his hands are slightly transparent.
  • His eyes are galaxies, and lack pupils.
  • Halo is not optional!
  • Almost unhealthly thin, basically no muscle.

Wardrobe notes

  • Wears casual shirt/trackie combo.
  • Generally plain, without patterns and grey/tan in colour.
  • This way he's not clashing, even if he doesn't know what he's putting on.
  • Occassionally, his boyfriends dress him up, in which case go wild.


  • Grey fields and subtle hills.
  • uhh... their house, that I've designed in minecraft, but have posted no pictures of...

Depressed, Emotional and often tired, although Aether is very adoring of their flame, and often goes out of his way to speak self-depreciating affection towards his partners. He almost always apologises when speaking, even when it is completely unnecessary, and is generally fairly quiet.

Ae is most happy when he's with people who accept him, though sadly his depression leads this maximum level of happiness to vary even when cuddled by all of his lovers.


  • Is the theory of light, yet is blind.
  • Aether can see Phlo's flames, and went into depression once he was disproved.
  • Phlogiston is the one who taught him how to read braille.
  • Aether and Phlo are almost always cuddled together reading or softly kissing, and it's so cute the other two struggle to not jump them.
  • When playing something story based, Crypto reads out all the text so Aether can play it with him too.
  • Vital spends most of the time cuddling with Aether and cooking treats, when Phlogiston and Crypto do stupid stuff.
  • Theorised in 1690, Aether is the baby of the group, and disproved in the 1920s by Michelson and Morley much to their dismay.


Almost theorised drectly into Phlogiston's care, Aether was the highlight of science for as long as he was around. Almost everyone experimented with him at some point or other, trying to make sense of him.

Experimental work

Aether remembers very clearly how he and Phlo met Vital and Crypto. It was raining, and Phlo was sulking about how he didn't want to get wet. Crypto handed him an umbrella and Vital offered to make breathable crystal gumboots. Then Vital next commented on the book in Ae's hands and Crypto was setting about handing him the rest of the series, all in braille of course. Aether is cuddled endlessly and talked through these flat games from the future, and given wonderful home-cooked meals and every sweet treat he could desire.

Phlogiston Disproved

With their fire gone, Aether collapsed. Every day was black and he spent almost every hour crying; for the first 10 years. He felt bad for Vital and Crypto, he did. He loved them so so much, and thanks them endlessly for their help and apologised for his shitty mood and lack of being able to show affection as they deserve. He just hoped that they understood, it wasn't that Aether wasn't sastifyied with them, that could never be the case, it was simply that the only one of them he could see, the very first person to show him kindness was banished from their world.


When Aether faded into Limbo, unlike when Phlogiston was disproved, the entire quople was happy with the outcome. Aether would be in a better place and it wasn't like they would be too far behind him. Reuniting with Phlogiston was the best feeling, it wasn't the feeling of being whole, no. Just finally feeling warm. And no, the infinite fire Phlogiston had lit around the plac had nothing to do with it.

Other Disproved

Aether feels like his sanity has returned when Vital joins them. (Also getting to eat deserts again is a nice bonus~) Vital and Aether cuddle together covered in small chicks and read to each other until Phlo comes in asking shouting to do something more active.

With Crypto returned, so is Aether's sense of purpose. It's time for him to comfort someone as opposed to always being the one comforted. And now Aether knows what video games are too, since more worlds than just the future hold them. (Although, game lounging may have to wait a few days, Vital learn some restraint...)

Phlogiston Boyfriend

The two of them are always so soft with each other. Phlo keeping Aether warm and giving him support to come out of his depressive moods with cuddles and kisses. Sometimes (surprisingly) there are no words between them for the whole day, but they spend it in constant contact with each other. In bed together, Aether and Phlo take the term 'love-making' to a whole new level of emotional worshipping.

Vitalism Boyfriend

They enjoy quiet moments together before the hustle and bustle of looking after their other halves. When Vital reads, with Aether lounging on him, it may or may not be out loud, depending on if Aether has his own braille book in his lap. When active with each other, Vital lets loose his softer side, and Aether goes wild.

Cryptoexplosion Boyfriend

Aether is Crypto's emotional gaming support, whether it's a visual novel, horror game, or even just a creeper killing his wolf, Crypto speaks every line, for both of them to enjoy the game. Crypto sometimes also requires physical comfort as well as emotional, something Aether is more than willing to provide. These two rarely get inwardly physical together, preferring shower they skin in affection.

Kaito Friend

Kaito and Aether end up spending a fair amount of time with each other, despite the lack of overlapping interests. This is largely due to Phlogiston cuddling up to one of them, and beckoning the other over to join them. Aether often supports Kaito when she struggles with her body, and Kaito tries to receiprocate by making games Aether can play with them. Braille uno is her pride.

Kyou Friend


Hiro and Chikku Children

Aether is the sad one. Together, Hiro and Chikku always try to do things that Aether could participate in if he wanted. Making a story together is their favourite, where they each take turns adding a sentence.


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Designer Tachibana-Mizuko
Acquistion Created
Trade Status NEVER
Last Redesign 14 Dec 2020
Creation ~2015


  • Costs are the amount paid at the time.
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  • Last Updated: --
Artist Type Value Received as Date
@username Reference (3x Fullbodies) $00.00 Commission 11 Jan 2020
"Sorry, Phlo, would you read to me?"

Full name ฮฑแผฐฮธฮฎฯ
Latinised Aether
Species Starred Soul
Age +330
Sex Male
Gender Male
Orientation Demisexual
Occupation Retired Theory
Residence Limbo


Vitalism is the belief that "living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things". Where vitalism explicitly invokes a vital principle, that element is often referred to as the "vital spark", "energy" or "รฉlan vital", which some equate with the soul.

Design notes

  • 178 cm tall, tallest of the theories.
  • His hair drags across the ground a bit.
  • His horns and tail are pure IIa diamond
  • White eyelashes please!
  • Thin and lithe.

Wardrobe notes

  • Wears very pale clothing.
  • Normally long and drapey robes.
  • (Or robe-like things, such as yukata!)
  • Sandals, if you can even see his feet.


  • Grey fields and subtle hills.
  • uhh... their house, that I've designed in minecraft, but have posted no pictures of...

Calm, almost motherly, and seemingly all-knowing, however he can be very loud and forceful to get a situation back under control. His speech is very composed and old-worldly, and he hasn't said any modern swears in a couple of decades now. (At least not when he hasn't been dared to or has a point to prove.)

Vital is happiest when he is surrounded by all kinds of life, rain-forests are possibly his favourite places. And it's honestly sometimes better if he goes there alone...


  • Vital can control and conquer up IIa diamonds with no forethought. They have diamond everything.
  • Often goes scouting for infant animals to raise, then releases them back into the wild.
  • Speaks all old-worldly-like: โ€œMight I interest you in a game?โ€ โ€œMay I have your hand for this dance?โ€ โ€œHow did I not see this coming...โ€
  • Even Vital has no idea what species he is, but he can change if he wants, so what does it matter?
  • Has a small terrarium he shares with Crypto, that's ever changing.
  • The only two cooking shows he and Phlogiston can agree on are Bake Off, and Good Eats.
  • Spends most of the time cuddling with Aether and cooking treats, when Phlogiston and Crypto do stupid stuff.
  • One of the oldest scientific theories man has, Vitalism was disproved in the mid 1900s.


Having been around as long as the humans have been questioning their consciousness, Vital is old. He's wandered over the entire earth, seen every civilisation, and met Crypto at some point or other.

Experimental Work

Unlike their younger partners, Vital and Crypto have never properly had to participate in experiments. Though that doesn't mean they can't sympathise, and watching Phlo look mournfully out the window with an equally down-trodden Aether at his side was more than enough for Vital to agree to give them company while working, and forever more. Because even as a couple, after thousands of years, things can become lonely, and Vital just felt so right, so complete standing by all three of them.

Others Disproved

Vital and Crypto completely understood Aether's breakdown when Phlogiston was removed from their tiny home. Vital tried to keep him happy, or not crying at least, but it was difficult when the lover with the fun ideas was missing. Aether was not alone in missing their forth, and every moment without that body walking on fire was distinctly cold, and far too agreeable.

When it was just the two of them again, it was almost refreshing, though only for a short while. Vital only had one person to make sweets for, Crypto stopped playing his games and the house was too quiet. With both cuddlebugs gone, Vital was suddenly very aware of how large their bed was with only one other occupant.


Gaining back his love and affection seemed like only half a substitute when he was leaving behind the one person who has given his stable company for the past X thousand years. But at least he felt warm again after so long away from their fire and waking up in a tangle of limbs was too endearing.

Cryptoexplosion Disproved

As soon as Vital made contact with their forth again, Crypto was immediately dragged behind the closed doors of their second bedroom. They didn't leave for a week. Phlo and Aether joined in for a little bit.

Phlogiston Boyfriend

Both Vital and Phlo like to cook for their boyfriends, Phlo does the meals, and Vital takes care of the sweet treats, though they do argue over what cooking shows to watch. They also argue over the size of the indoor lawn fire. (But Phlo keeps it small, and Vital keeps giving him wood.) As these two have the highest libido of the quouple, they often end up with each other, fighting in the sheets as well.

Aether Boyfriend

They enjoy quiet moments together before the hustle and bustle of looking after their other halves. When Vital reads, with Aether lounging on him, it may or may not be out loud, depending on if Aether has his own braille book in his lap. When active with each other, Vital lets loose his softer side, and Aether goes wild.

Cryptoexplosion Boyfriend

Both Vital and Crypto love to play with their litle terrarium and experiment with the landscape. Vital aso participates in his and Phlo's baseball games by providing plant fielders. Vital also reigns the two in when they have an idea that goes too far. And in the bedroom, Vital and Crypto have similar kinks, and normally end up going pretty far with them.

Kaito Friend

Fellow Limbo resident, Vitalism and Kaito don't have too much in common, and she does spend more time with the other members of the quouple. However, Kaito is eternally grateful to the one who gave her the confidence, and the means to her genetically male body. Kaito will never be able to express her debt to him for the simple use of his power.

Kyou Friend

Kyou and Vital use to discuss the state of Kaito's body, but now prefer to relay recent sexual endeavours with each other, sometimes Crypto joins in. Vital and her also share their favourite toy sites, and prefers brands.


To Hiro and Chikku, Vitalism is the big strict one of the quouple. He give out treats like there's no tomorrow, but doesn't play games with them, and sometimes has to yell at Phlo and Crypto. He's nice, but scary. Like santa


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Art Content Blood โœ”
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Designer Tachibana-Mizuko
Acquistion Created
Trade Status NEVER
Last Redesign -
Creation 14 Dec 2020


  • Costs are the amount paid at the time.
  • All costs are in USD.
  • Last Updated: --
Artist Type Value Received as Date
@username Reference (3x Fullbodies) $00.00 Commission 11 Jan 2020
"Crypto love, please think before you do."

Full name Vitalism
Species Unknown
Age +3500
Sex N/a
Gender Male
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Retired Theory
Residence Limbo


In geology, a cryptoexplosion structure (or cryptovolcanic structure) is an explosion of unknown cause. The term is now largely obsolete. It was once commonly used to describe sites where there was geological evidence of a large-scale explosion within the Earth's crust, but no definitive evidence for the cause such as normal volcanic rocks.

Design notes

  • 173 cm tall
  • 5 TAILS. Each differently patterned.
  • His collar and anklet are required!
  • His cheek, and bicep scars match his ear markings.
  • Very defined muscles, though he's not huge.

Wardrobe notes

  • Feel free to pick whatever marking you want!
  • All of his clothing is either painted on, or loose and baggy.
  • And he wears these in combination.
  • Very "delinquent" tastes.


  • Grey fields and subtle hills.
  • uhh... their house, that I've designed in minecraft, but have posted no pictures of...

Explosive, somewhat random, but generally happy. Crypto is loud when he's proud, and absolutely silent when he's fuming (until he blows up of course). He speaks like a delinquent, very casually and full of every kind of cuss he can think of. (He finds great amusement in it all.)

Crypto is happiest when there is some kind of chaos going on surrounded by those he loves. After much trial and error, and multiple near fatalities, fireworks have been agreed as the safest of his "happy chaos events".


  • If Crypto believes, or thinks, something will happen, that will generally be the case. There is always milk in Crypto's fridge, and his DS would never show a red light.
  • Crypto is actually as all powerful as most gods. He just doesn't do anything useful with his powers.
  • Crypto created the system for their storage shed. Fuckwad is newspaper, suck balls is baseball stuff, fucking nerd is the library, and arsewipe is toilet paper.
  • Loves gaming (FPS especially) and beating up screaming 12 year olds in Halo.
  • But when playing something story based, he reads out all the text so Aether can play it with him too.
  • Has a small terrarium he shares with Vital, that's ever changing.
  • They do not talk about the time he and Phlo decided to play baseball with a grenade.
  • One of the oldest scientific theories man has, Cryptoexplosion was disproved in the late 1900s.


While Crypto is all powerful, and can teleport and timetravel his way around, after meeting Vital on his journey across the globe, he decides to stay with him and join him in travelling the non-magical way.

Experimental Work

Crypto has always been glad that he's never had to do experimental work, and that he can just do whatever all day. Though watching Phlo in his experiments is probably what led Vital to dragging him over to Phlo and Ae on that particulat rainy day. He doesn't regret any of his near-stalking for a second, because now he has someone to pull dumbshit with, and someone understanding when he hits the bad ending of a visual novel. And of course, his sturdy Vital was right by his side too, just has he intended it to stay.

Others Disproved

But they had barely spent 100 years together before the heat is sucked out of them. Crypto loses his interest in fire, bombs and fireworks while Phlo isn't there to scream in excitement with him. Besides, he has his hands sending letters from the three of them to Phlo in Limbo. If only he could receive replies in return. Oh well, more gaming time for him now.

With his gaming support gone, Crypto actually gives up his halo addiction for a while, as not even blowing up screaming 12 years-olds online can heal the half of him that's missing. With just him and Vital the house is much too big, and far too cold. No matter how many letters he sends into Limbo on behalf of him and Vital both, it doesn't change that they'll never hear anything in return.

When Vital leaves, Crypto's heart breaks. He knows it won't be for too long, but with his reasoning, affection and fun all being in that damnable prison dimension, it takes all of Crypto's willpower to not remove his collar and fade out of existence entirely. He does his best to get himself disproved and keeps himself occupied by spending his every hour building a scale model of the earth in minecraft. (Yes, he suceeds.)


With nothing but his hand and writing letters for company, Crypto was more than glad to be finally disproved, and shuffled through to Limbo with the rest of his partners. The fact that Vital immediately dragged him off was only a bonus. And hey, at least he got to throw a grenade at Phlo in greeting and hug Ae before Vital got too worked up.

Phlogiston Boyfriend

Crypto and Phlo often get up into stupid shit, like: making a bonfire out of fireworks, using fireworks as balls in baseball, using a rocket launcher to fire random stuff at each other. But they also love playing games together, pokemon and other RPGs especially. Although ironically, Phlo is the one Crypto goes to when he wants something less intense in the bedroom.

Aether Boyfriend

Aether is Crypto's emotional gaming support, whether it's a visual novel, horror game, or even just a creeper killing his wolf, Crypto speaks every line, for both of them to enjoy the game. Crypto sometimes also requires physical comfort as well as emotional, something Aether is more than willing to provide. These two rarely get inwardly physical together, preferring shower they skin in affection.

Vitalism Boyfriend

Both Vital and Crypto love to play with their litle terrarium and experiment with the landscape. Vital aso participates in his and Phlo's baseball games by providing plant fielders. Vital also reigns the two in when they have an idea that goes too far. And in the bedroom, Vital and Crypto have similar kinks, and normally end up going pretty far with them.

Kaito Friend

Kaito and Crypto have the relationship of gamer rivals. Always out shiny-hunting each other, orout-leveling their crops, or getting further to in the story to announce protential spoilers. (Not that they would, they would never interrupt each other's game play like that.)

Kyou Friend

Kyou and Crypto like to discuss potential encounters between their two relationships. (Not that they would happen, they're both too loyal and jealous.) Oddly enough, they can never talk about Phlo and Kaito being together, but every other combination has been discussed in great, excruiating detail.


Crypto is so cool! He can do anything with his magic, and he'll setup a massive firework display just beause they asked for one! (He let's them help to and that's extra awesome, even if he gets yelled at later.)


Hover over theย ribbons

Meta info

Profile Complete
Art Priority High
Gift Art Always
Art Content Blood โœ”
Gore โœ˜
NSFW โœ”
Nudity โœ”

Designer Tachibana-Mizuko
Acquistion Created
Trade Status NEVER
Last Redesign -
Creation 18 Dec 2020


  • Costs are the amount paid at the time.
  • All costs are in USD.
  • Last Updated: --
Artist Type Value Received as Date
@username Reference (3x Fullbodies) $00.00 Commission 11 Jan 2020
"Haha, boom! Fuckin' eat shit, noob!"

Full name Cryptoexplosion
Species Kamiki
Age +3500
Sex Male
Gender Male
Orientation Androsexual
Occupation Retired Theory
Residence Limbo

. . . .