

The bubbling Shore meets the setting sky

Species:  Rocky Reef Canine-Feline Hybrid / Shrimp Creature / Dusk Cat / Sky Spirt Cat / Flowering Antler Cat 
Role:    Celestial Beauty


'Effy' is a beauty born of sea and sky, she thinks she's a goddess and wont even talk to you unless you sparkle. She is very petty and full of herself and her abilities.  Her father loves her to bits and sees her as his princess, his heir. She Is less a fish cat and more a sky cat always lingering over the shores between the seas and skies. She says mortals aren't worthy of her time but she sure watches them on the beach.  If you call her out on it, she says she's guarding the sea or something important.  

She can breath under water if she wants to visit the sea folk too but is naturally a creature of the air.  Many suiters both sea and land ask for her hand but she hasn't found anyone worthy of being her mate.

Size:  She is lithe and small, but her ' cloud hair and tail' all over the place making her look bigger then she is.
Fur Type:
  Soft and fluffy, almost cloud like. She smells a little like salt water rain.
Her cloud matter is a trait from her mother,  she has flowing cloudy hair and a tail too match. Her clouds are hued with seafoam and smell like the sea.
Plant Life:
  Like her father, seaweed tends to grow on her. She always is picking up more when she gets back from  sea.
  She has twisted hybrid antlers between her mother's deer like antlers and her fathers coral crown.

Sea foam Cloudy  Matter:  
   Effy can float and soar  though the clouds almost      graceful and ladylike as she can swim. She can also hide herself in her own clouds to go unseen.  

Created:  9/13/21 in a breeding result litter by Nahemii from a trade.Dawn x Skerry 
Art Value: 0.00
