Corvus Swellow



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Corvus Swellow
Nicknames: Cor, Dr

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / They
Age: Between 300-500
-He stopped counting a long time ago.

Species: Bearded Vulture
Outstanding feature:
He has a large pair of wings that he can make appear, either at will or with spiking hormones.

Hannah Swellow -Adopted Daughter
Isla McDuck-Swellow -Biological Daughter
Connors McDuck-Swellow -Biological Son

Quote: ‘I will eat your bones’
Personality: He’s very serious but knows when he needs to be playful, able to swap to whichever he needs for those around them, though he sometimes combines the two personalities to confuse people. He adores his children and truly wants the best for them, though he must admit that he’s a little over protective of them. They’re not too good with people, which is another reason he prefers to seclude himself into his lab.

-He adores both of his daughters evenly, not preferring either

-They're on S.H.U.S.H's watch list, due to his age & history
-Corvus is also incredibly tall in comparison to the average duck height.
-Fluffy feathers on cheeks, chest and underside of his arms.
            They get pushed down with his clothing, so unless if he goes shirtless, they’re not obvious.
-Fancy Scientist
            His lab is literally in his old castle, literal fancy scientist