Yume 💫



2 years, 9 months ago


UNICATS VERSION: https://sta.sh/2lhuqs2qxyb?edit=1

unicats + fables designs by me!!!

* female (she/her)
* 18 human years old
* magic is an ethereal dark blue with galactic colors and white sparks
* dream + space magic

* just after cassiel entered the fables world, she and jupiter began seeing a strange fable in their dreams
* this fable always hovered off the ground, seemed to wear a cloak of stars, and kept her eyes closed
* her name was yume, and over the span of a year and a half she became a close friend to the two angels
* a year and a half later, when the god-like "ultra types" began appearing in the world, the barrier between the dreaming world and the waking one was starting to blur, causing fables from the former to appear in the latter
* seeing the blurring barrier, yume began to worry about other potential side effects arising from the appearance of these ultra types, and informed her friends that she needed to come to the waking world as soon as possible
* people were contacted, plans were made, the ritual was completed without any issue, and when the two angels came forward to see yume for the first time, she opened her eyes to reveal they were an otherworldly purple color.

* a very open, outgoing and sweet girl who just wants the best for the waking world <3
* actually quite interested in telling others about her nature! loves striking up conversations about the dreaming world
* has a neutral opinion on the ultra types--"stay aware of possible problems, but don't judge all books by one cover." coinciding with this, some nights she flies up to the cloud layer and talks with xeias, knowing they're a guardian and not a threat; they have a very interesting dynamic
* mainly interested in the waking world and its differences otherwise :3
* the one catch to all this is yume mainly sleeps during the day, waking up at night to float around and check on things
* she can shapeshift her space tail into whatever she wants, including her trademark cloak!