A'maya Kha



7 years, 22 days ago



"Look, I might be dumb, but I'm not stupid. ... Course there's a difference!”

Name Pronunciationah-MY-ah KAH
RaceMiqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Birthday 8/6
Height 5'2" | 159cm
Birthplace The Striped Hills, Gyr Abania
Residence Wherever
Design Notes
  • She's built heavier than her in-game model suggests. She's pear shaped, with wider hips, thicker thighs, and a bigger bottom. I tend to reference Doja Cat for her build (1) (2).
  • Her brown face markings are natural, her blue ones are tattoos, and her green ones are face paint.
  • Her body language is animated and cat-like, from her smallest smiles to the ways she rests.

A’maya prides herself on being a spark to flames—an initiator, a go-getter, though some might say she’s an enabler. In pursuing passions and thrills alike, she easily casts all manner of self-preservation aside, always readily eager to move on to the next exciting thing. With her in your company, dull moments are few and far between, for better or for worse. Don’t let her usual levels of energy and volume fool you, however; a lax time is just as welcome as a rowdy one.

Her values are placed in respect, sincerity, and good conversation. A keen eye may take note of the proverbial arm’s length A’maya maintains at all times out of commitment to her independence—a fierce shield dedicated to her innermost heart, which even she doesn’t know very well.

Highly food motivated and plays well with others.

  • Where most Seekers of the Sun reserve dropping their tribe's initial for close friends and loved ones, she refutes the formality and insists upon being called Maya by all.
  • Her green face paint is a family symbol, with the personally chosen color speaking to her love of nature and the circle of life. The sight of her without it is extremely rare. 
  • She is functionally illiterate. The most she can manage without excessive effort is numbers and her own name.
  • She can speak common and old Auri fluently, and knows enough Hingan to get by in idle and food-related conversation.
  • A mild accent is present no matter what language she's speaking. It's a cross between what I approximate for the Miqo'te dialect of common and Xaela old Auri. Think of some Appalachian English, some Mongolian, and some FFXIV-relevant flair. She softens and rolls Rs, sometimes runs Js as Ys, and uses guttural consonants with certain words.
A'maya makes a living making the most of the materials produced by the livestock she raises: most commonly sheep, dzo, and peacocks. Her favored skills are working and sewing leather to make garments and accessories.
Her interest in conjury has persisted for longer than she can remember—a childlike interest taken in the Sylph's conjuring magicks blossomed into a fully initiated practice of the art once she came of age. Despite her lack of grace, her skill keeps her out of trouble.
She doesn't follow the traditional CNJ to WHM pathway; she never obtains a job stone, doesn't meet a padjal until after Shadowbringers, and only learns a handful of White Mage-exclusive spells. 


A'maya remembers very little of the short time she spent in her birthplace—most of her oldest childhood memories are clearest from her time living in the East Shroud, where her parents and extended family fled in order to protect themselves from the threat of Garlean occupation. Her curiosity and playfulness landed her in good standing with the Sylphs, who related to her family's experience of being ousted from their home. Together, they worked to avoid excessive harassment from local Wood Wailers and Garlean soldiers alike.

One night, some persistent Garlean soldiers managed to raid the family's settlement with the intent of a massacre, leaving only a few surviving stragglers behind—including A'maya, who had resolved to sleep amongst the Sylphs in a routine fit of pre-adolescent rage. The Sylphs agreed to look after her until they could find more walking ones to take her in, floating a vague lie about her parents leaving her behind in the meantime. 

[Saburo finds her and takes her to Margaderhi; she forges her identity and confidence throughout her years living on and around the Azim Steppe with her new family; she eventually finds out the Sylphs lied to her about her parents and has to work on making peace with that; etc etc etc]


Her love, her heart. The person with whom she is happiest and most comfortable. 


Her dearest friend. Likened to a little brother, despite him being almost thirty years her senior.