Cairo ⚔️



2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Cairo 'Cai'

Age: 25

Gender: Transfem genderqueer (she/they)

Sexuality: Queer polyamorous

Height: 6'4 (6'8 w/the horns)

Class: Hexblade, Pact of the Blade Warlock

the story:

- grew up in a cult that worshipped her father, the god of love and celebration. she was always quite rebellious and never interested in becoming a priest in the cult so she constantly got in trouble

- hates her dad for never acknowledging his children and overall just kind of being a neglectful asshole. is on a personal quest to kill him

- ran away from the cult, met the party she travels with, and almost immediately got arrested

- broke out of prison and started exploring the world outside of the cult. learned that the country was ruled by a brutal theocracy worshipping the holy pantheon her father belongs to

- found a magical possessed sword that she named Godkiller. quickly discovered it belonged to the spirit of a paladin hell-bent on getting vengeance on the gods. they teamed up and suddenly cai was a warlock

- since then they and their friends have mostly been trying to fight the system and change the world while also being wanted fugitives

- has met a few really cool people on the process that she's seriously crushing on. which is unfortunate because cairo has 0 idea what a healthy relationship looks like. they've been winging it


- technically a demigod but isn't actually any different or more powerful than your average mortal, which they find unendingly frustrating

- loves music, plays guitar. very rock n roll.

- you know how some groups have a moral compass? she's the exact opposite of that

- wakes up every morning and chooses violence

- impulsive and fighty but loves their friends a lot. enjoys a good sparring match or jam session. interested in makeup and fashion

- almost always smiling. smiles when she's angry just as easily as she smiles when happy. the fact that her teeth are red makes this more than a little disconcerting.

- bounces between chaotic neutral and chaotic evil but is somehow inexplicably one of the good guys