Aisling (Species Info)




Cerenics (Closed Species)


  • NAME BREAKDOWN: Cerebral + Oren + Fennec

  • LIFESPAN: ~100 years

  • DIET:  Fruitarian

  • HABITAT:  Lush forests

Cerenics are a race of mystical creatures known for their incredible natural clairvoyance and psychogenics. They are extremely intelligent, relatively docile creatures that enjoy the quiet and presence of solidarity.



Cerenics have very small builds, regardless of age, never breaching the average height limit of four feet. Cerenic bodies are very human-like, covered in dark brown skin that is usually sprinkled with light-colored freckles, but due to a rare defect can produce vitiligo instead, and in even rarer cases, both. Their bodies are all similar in build, appearing young and childlike during their entire lifetime, which can last for at most well past a hundred years. Females possess breasts, but they cannot grow in size or lactate; males do not possess any significant difference in structure other than having a penis.

All Cerenics have shineless eyes; they possess heterochromatin, which makes both of their eyes two different colors. It is unheard of for a Cerenic to have solid-colored eyes, much less Spirit Gates. 

They are all born with a third eye called a Spirit Gate. At birth, their Spirit Gate is closed; as they age, it slowly opens, only opening completely when the Cerenic reaches full physical maturity, which varies from Cerenic to Cerenic (similar to puberty).

In rare occasions, some Cerenics can be born with multiple Spirit Gates. Their Spirit Gates are always a blend of their two eye colors, and in very rare cases, a rainbow of colors or even black and white. Even rarer, their Spirit Gates can have white pupils and black sclera.

Their ears are a vital part of their species, as they determine not only their age, wisdom, and extrasensory maturity, but also assist them in producing and utilizing psychogenic powers. Cerenic ears are generally angled downward at all times, alluding to their meekness. Their length determines their age; the oldest recorded Cerenic had ears that were three inches longer than their own height. In very rare instances, Cerenics can be born with perked/standing ears, though reports have shown that they have much weaker and unstable abilities.

Despite bearing a resemblance to carnivorous mammals such as cats or dogs, they are a fruitarian species; their diet only consists of the sweetest, ripest fruits. They have fewer teeth than humans and carnivores, and they have "soft mouths", as they are generally very sensitive due to their diet.

Their finger- and toenails are slightly curved downward and sharpened, to help hook into things when climbing or very rarely caught in a scuffle. In the event they are attacked, their defensive strategy is to either run and hide until the threat gives up, or to use their powers if absolutely necessary. 

They are a very loving, nurturing species and cannot stand violence; they will try to resolve matters as peacefully as possible, only using their powers as a last resort to escape rather than kill.

If their Spirit Gates are damaged, they can suffer tremendous headaches as well as loss of motor skills and mental stability for some time, depending on the extent of the damage. 

They are natural healers, and can recover quicker during the day if the Spirit Gate has direct access to sunlight; while humans and other creatures can't look at the sun without risking blindness and sunburn damage, Cerenics rely on the sun's rays to replenish their Spirit Gate's energy.


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Aliquam at nunc nunc. Mauris tincidunt tempus diam sagittis facilisis. Donec justo ante, ornare at tristique vitae, molestie id lectus. Integer ligula tortor, eleifend vitae vehicula vel, consectetur non ex. In pharetra dolor quis est vehicula, ut sollicitudin libero mattis. Maecenas facilisis, lacus non hendrerit sollicitudin, orci nisl suscipit nunc, eu imperdiet elit elit ac nulla. Sed vitae nulla quis urna dignissim pulvinar vitae in lectus. Mauris et nisi ac erat bibendum posuere. Ut a iaculis sem, id tempor ligula. Nulla neque enim, mollis sit amet enim luctus, accumsan fermentum orci. Nunc faucibus elit nec pretium cursus. In quis mattis massa. Mauris luctus nibh ut hendrerit feugiat.

Morbi nec ipsum a felis porttitor eleifend. Praesent in libero ante. Quisque lacinia maximus nisl quis scelerisque. Suspendisse vitae ultricies diam. Nullam blandit maximus pulvinar. Nunc velit mauris, sagittis eget est placerat, laoreet faucibus erat. Integer ultrices lacus fringilla nulla lobortis egestas. Curabitur porttitor vehicula ultrices. Donec finibus est vel aliquet tincidunt.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum at mauris porta, auctor lectus congue, efficitur mauris. In convallis sem accumsan rutrum malesuada. Nam id elit nec diam sollicitudin eleifend non sed orci. Vestibulum sem neque, faucibus nec dolor a, cursus ullamcorper ex. Donec aliquam lectus eget felis eleifend, nec luctus felis gravida. Aenean semper leo non nunc facilisis efficitur. Nullam lobortis semper nunc, at dictum tortor venenatis eu.

Cerenics live in harmonious, small groups called lulls, as their society is normally very peaceful and calm. They are typically found in lush, dense forests, as they are tree-dwellers.

Aliquam eget pellentesque massa, sit amet auctor ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque congue pulvinar libero id porta. Nunc mauris mi, tincidunt vitae sollicitudin porta, ornare ut urna. Quisque tincidunt massa orci, eu eleifend mi iaculis quis. Proin egestas odio quis sem iaculis molestie. Suspendisse ac nunc iaculis elit hendrerit scelerisque.

Cras et dictum ante. In porttitor odio mauris, vitae aliquet urna iaculis et. Sed eu vulputate leo. Pellentesque mauris risus, posuere in quam eget, dapibus feugiat felis. Curabitur pretium dignissim sem ut consectetur. Nam cursus posuere nibh et vestibulum. Phasellus vestibulum cursus eros, a sodales leo. Etiam iaculis sagittis ipsum, eget luctus arcu laoreet ac. Aliquam at arcu bibendum, mattis erat sed, bibendum dui. Proin in semper sapien.

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